event time has been adjusted for your timezone



My calendar events from 3/11/07 thru 3/31 now have the following
yellow message:

"In the calendar, the event time has been adjusted for our timezone"

The appointments appear to be 1 hour off -- even though my timezone
setting of EST is correct. All calendar events are still in the
original times and there doesn't seem to be any way to change them.

I searched this user group and see that this problem was in a post
from 2002. Does anyone know if a fix has been established in the last
5 years? Thanks.

Diane Ross

I searched this user group and see that this problem was in a post
from 2002. Does anyone know if a fix has been established in the last
5 years? Thanks.

Have you applied the latest updater? Office 2004 was updated for the DST
changes (11.3.3). Current version is now 11.3.4.

Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
Entourage Help Page
One of the top five MS Entourage resources listed on the Entourage Blog.

William Smith

My calendar events from 3/11/07 thru 3/31 now have the following
yellow message:

"In the calendar, the event time has been adjusted for our timezone"

The appointments appear to be 1 hour off -- even though my timezone
setting of EST is correct. All calendar events are still in the
original times and there doesn't seem to be any way to change them.

I searched this user group and see that this problem was in a post
from 2002. Does anyone know if a fix has been established in the last
5 years? Thanks.

That's the period where the new springtime daylight saving time (DST)
change takes effect. Have a look at the Entourage Help Page for more
information <http://www.entourage.mvps.org/articles/daylight.html>.

Hope this helps! bill

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