Event Timing OnDelete



In advanced, thank you for taking the time to help.

I have some VBA that runs a OnDelete event on a form. It basically
inserts info into a log table of who deleted the record and then
closes the form. I also have VBA OnCurrent event that checks a text
field on the form as to disable/enable certain fields.
Issue is that when the OnDelete fires, for some reason the OnCurrent
fires after the OnDelete closes the form. If I am correct, This
causes an error because it no longer can locate anything on the form
because it's closed.

So what should I do to prevent this error?
Thanks again for helping.


In advanced, thank you for taking the time to help.

I have some VBA that runs a OnDelete event on a form.  It basically
inserts info into a log table of who deleted the record and then
closes the form.  I also have VBA OnCurrent event that checks a text
field on the form as to disable/enable certain fields.
Issue is that when the OnDelete fires, for some reason the OnCurrent
fires after the OnDelete closes the form.  If I am correct, This
causes an error because it no longer can locate anything on the form
because it's closed.

So what should I do to prevent this error?
Thanks again for helping.

Fixed my Issue (I think, but hey it's working)
I added a IsFormLoaded in the OnCurrent of the form and the issue
disapeared and all is well.

Allen Browne

I don't really understand what your IsFormLoaded is doing in Form_Current,
or why that makes a difference.

When you delete a record, another record becomes the current one, so it
would not be surprising to see the form's Current event fire after a delete.

If you are logging deletions, be aware that the record for which the Delete
event fired may not actually get deleted. The user may cancel the deletion.
Code in Form_BeforeDelConfirm may cancel it. Or there may be some
engine-level reason why the record is not deleted (cascading deletes failed,

The only way to be sure is to check the Status in Form_AfterDelConfirm. So,
what I do is to use Form_Delete to log the information to a temporary table,
and then use Form_AfterDelConfirm to write it from there to the real logging
table. Details:

If you are using Access 2010, an even better solution would be to use data
macros to log the deletion.


I don't really understand what your IsFormLoaded is doing in Form_Current,
or why that makes a difference.

When you delete a record, another record becomes the current one, so it
would not be surprising to see the form's Current event fire after a delete.

If you are logging deletions, be aware that the record for which the Delete
event fired may not actually get deleted. The user may cancel the deletion.
Code in Form_BeforeDelConfirm may cancel it. Or there may be some
engine-level reason why the record is not deleted (cascading deletes failed,

The only way to be sure is to check the Status in Form_AfterDelConfirm. So,
what I do is to use Form_Delete to log the information to a temporary table,
and then use Form_AfterDelConfirm to write it from there to the real logging
table. Details:

If you are using Access 2010, an even better solution would be to use data
macros to log the deletion.

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP.  Perth, Western Australia
Tips for Access users -http://allenbrowne.com/tips.html
Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

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Mr. Browne,
Thank you for your response and thank you for everything that you
do for the Access community.
As far as my form, here are some details that were not included in
the first post. The form is opened and filtered from another form
based on criteria entered (which determines if a data has already been
entered for that criteria and if it isn't, it inserts that data into
the form and sets the DataEntry = Yes.) There is also a 'Approval'
Button that when clicked, enters data into fields through a INSERT SQL
in VBA and disables subforms and subfields (requested from the

Here is the code for the Delete event:
*******************CODE START********************
Private Sub Form_Delete(Cancel As Integer)
On Error GoTo Err_Form_Delete
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strUser As String

strUser = Environ("username") 'NT LoginID

If Len(Nz(Me.strApproved, "")) = 0 Then 'Is the data not
Cancel = False
strSQL = "INSERT INTO tblapprovallog (fkReport, strLogin,
ysnApproval, "
strSQL = strSQL & "strComment, dtmTransaction) VALUES ("
strSQL = strSQL & Me.pkReport & ", '" & strUser & "', " &
strSQL = strSQL & ", 'DELETED " & Me.dtmDate & "-"
strSQL = strSQL & Me.strShift & " Shift', #" & Now() & "#);"
'Debug.Print strSQL
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError

Else 'The data is Approved, cancel request, tell user
MsgBox "Report must be unapproved before it can be deleted.",
vbInformation, "Approved Report"
Cancel = True
End If


Exit Sub

MsgBox "Runtime Error # " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & vbLf &
Resume Exit_Form_Delete
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Current()
If CurrentProject.AllForms("frmReport").IsLoaded Then 'if frm1Report
is closed don't check
EnableDisable 'check to disable fields
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_AfterDelConfirm(Status As Integer)
If Status = False Then 'if status is false close frmReport
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmReport", acSaveNo
End If
End Sub
*******************CODE END********************

Basically what I am trying to do when the record is deleted, Check if
the data for the approval is present, if so then cancel the delete,
and if no data in the Approval field, delete the data and close the
frmReport, forcing the User to go back to Dialog to open frmReport. I
am sure there are other ways to do what I am doing. I still consider
myself green and do what I find logical (which I am sure sounds
illogical to some.) I do know that the frmReport sounds silly, but
you got to go with what they call it.

Again thank you so much for your insight and wisdom.

David W. Fenton

Basically what I am trying to do when the record is deleted, Check
if the data for the approval is present, if so then cancel the
delete, and if no data in the Approval field, delete the data and
close the frmReport, forcing the User to go back to Dialog to open
frmReport. I am sure there are other ways to do what I am doing.
I still consider myself green and do what I find logical (which I
am sure sounds illogical to some.) I do know that the frmReport
sounds silly, but you got to go with what they call it.

I don't use the form delete events. I turn off Deletes for the form,
then use a command button for deletes, and the code behind that
button has full control over the process without having to worry
about the interaction of the form's events and DoCmd.SetWarnings and
so forth.

Allen Browne

Status really is an integer (not true/false), so I think you intend to
compare it to acDeleteOk.

I still don't really understand what Current is doing but that's fine.

If the user cancels the deletion (e.g. in Form_BeforeDelConfirm), you will
have logged it (though it didn't happen), Status won't be acDeleteOk.

Not sure if that achieves what you intend or not.


Status really is an integer (not true/false), so I think you intend to
compare it to acDeleteOk.

I still don't really understand what Current is doing but that's fine.

If the user cancels the deletion (e.g. in Form_BeforeDelConfirm), you will
have logged it (though it didn't happen), Status won't be acDeleteOk.

Not sure if that achieves what you intend or not.

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP.  Perth, Western Australia
Tips for Access users -http://allenbrowne.com/tips.html
Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

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Mr. Browne and Mr. Fenton thank you for your replies.

Mr. Fenton, As far as a delete button to run the delete commands, I
have thought about that route, but I try to make myself use the
controls already in place by Access (at least when I can).

Mr. Browne, I thought that the 'Cancel=True' in my 'If' logic would
cancel the delete. I am wrong? Any other suggestion if I am
I guess I didn't pay attention to the declaration of 'Status' as an
integer in the AfterDelete event. So what status does 'Status' refer
BTW, This form, by request, is actually viewed as what should be a
report, but they wanted to look at the actual data without just
anybody to make changes unless they have the authority to. (making
necessary the 'Approve' button and a log that's also attached to that
button). So, the approve button runs code based off of a admin table
that has conditions to who has the authority to enable and disable
fields on the report. I understand it's hard to comprehend all this
without seeing what's going on.

Allen Browne

Setting "Cancel = True" is correct, even though it is an integer.
But Status has more than 2 possible values.

The reason for the inconsistency is historical. Originally, Access Basic
didn't have a boolean, so they used integer for everything.

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