events seem to invoke error message User-defined type not defi


Phil Stokes

with on_click and after_update and more events the error message "The
expression After_Update() you have entered as the event property setting
produced the following error:User-defined type not defined.

I have tried the usual remedies ie Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library is in
references. I tried decompiling and to no avail. Has this happened to anyone?
Hope you can help


Michel Walsh


If you have code in the said event, check if you didn't have a typo
error (in a DIM statement or in a user defined function). about a "class"
name (like LNT instead of INT; in small letter, L may looks like a
capital i , etc.) You are brought to a line where that error occur? It may
be not that line, but I would start by looking at that one first.

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

Phil Stokes

Thanks for that suggestion. As it turns out I had publicly declared an object
at the top of the code that somehow upset things. I have removed it and
declared it elsewhere so the code now works. thanks for your help.


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