Eventual Costs for Onenote Upgrade?


Steve Banks

Hello All,

Is anyone here privy to the cost for the release of SP1 when it is
finalized? Or is this going to be treated as a patch/fix and no cost for
recent purchasers?

Steve Banks

Erik Sojka

No cost to users who own a license for the RTM version of OneNote 2003.
(Just like dang near all MS Service Packs).

Steve Banks

Chris H. said:
A Service Pack has always been a free upgrade, Steve.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations - http://nicecreations.us/
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

Thanks Chris,

Granted SP's have always been free, it seemed like the language I was
reading in various groups sounded like this first go 'round would be a SP
but that it would eventually be a standalone upgraded product.

So what I'm hearing from you guys is that when the "gold" SP becomes
available it will still be considered a service pack and therefore be free.


Erik Sojka

Yup, the OneNote SP will be free when it is released later this summer.
Maybe you were confused about the talk of new features incorporated into
what is normally supposed to be just a collection of bug fixes? (Don't get
me wrong, I love the new features)

Steve Banks

Erik Sojka said:
Yup, the OneNote SP will be free when it is released later this summer.
Maybe you were confused about the talk of new features incorporated into
what is normally supposed to be just a collection of bug fixes? (Don't get
me wrong, I love the new features)

Good detective work Erik, you hit it right on the nose. That is EXACTLY why
I was under that impression. All of the other features along with bug fixes.
Erik, otherwise known as Carnac The Great!

Thank you...

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