Every time I rotate a picture in a table, it dissappears.

  • Thread starter On Line All The Time
  • Start date

On Line All The Time

The image appears in print preview, but then if I rotate it 90 % it
dissapears entirely from print preview. I am trying to format a 1" binder
spine (Avery) by inserting a table and putting a picture in a cell that
consists of 2 merged cells.

Does anyone have any ideas why the image dissapears? It is sized smaller
than 1" wide so size is not an issue

On Line All The Time

Primarily because the text is going in one direction (horizontal) while the
image is going in another direction (verticle). At any rate I think it may
have had something to do with the "text wrapping" selection I made under the
image menu. I changed it and it fixed the issue, although I do not entirely
understand why. Thanks for the suggestion!

Suzanne S. Barnhill

FWIW, if you're using a table, I would strongly suggest using Landscape
orientation so that the graphic can be inserted In Line With Text (not
rotated). Then use Text Direction to rotate the text.

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