Every time I type ACN it changes to something else, Help?


Tom Moriarty

Everytime I type the letters ACN they change to CAN. Can someone tell me how
to fix it. I try to add it to the dictionary but it doesn't work. Thanks


Everytime I type the letters ACN they change to CAN. Can someone tell me how
to fix it. I try to add it to the dictionary but it doesn't work. Thanks

Incorrectly typing acn instead of can is a common user data entry
spelling error.
Access 'fixes' it for you.
That correction is set in Tools + AutoCorrect.
You can either delete that correction from Autocorrect (which will
effect ALL office programs) or set the control's Allow AutoCorrect
property to No. It's on the property sheet's Other tab.

Albert D. Kallal

tools->options->spelling tab

Click on the autocorrect button.

You can un-check the "replace text" as you type option.

Further, for the individual control, you can in the "other" properties tab,
set the "allow autocorrect" as no

Larry Linson

fredg said:
That correction is set in Tools + AutoCorrect.

Some, with refreshing disrespect, call that "AutoCorrupt". :)

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP

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