It is more likely corrupted than encrypted - which is why you should
NEVER save from Word to a flash drive - always copy to and from such
a drive.
The following macro will do just that (saving both to hard drive and
flash). The macro assumes the flash drive is H: by default, but you
can change the H to the actual letter in the line
strFlash = InputBox("Enter Flash Drive Letter", "Flash Drive", "H")
or in response to the dialog box
If you are exchanging documents with a Word 2003 system, I would
recommend that you only use fonts that are available on the 2003
system e.g. Times New Roman and Ariel and that you save as Word
97-2003 format, to ensure maximum compatibility.
Sub CopyToFlash()
Dim strFileA As String
Dim strFlash As String
strFlash = InputBox("Enter Flash Drive Letter", "Flash Drive", "H")
With ActiveDocument
.Save 'save the original document
strFileA = .name 'Saved original document name
strFlash = strFlash & ":\" & strFileA 'Flash drive filename
.Close 'Close the document
End With
On Error GoTo oops 'Error handler for missing flash drive
FileCopy strFileA, strFlash 'Copy source to flash
Documents.Open strFileA
If Err.Number = 61 Then
MsgBox "Flash Full! The partial file created will be deleted",
Kill strFlash 'Remove the partial file
MsgBox "The flash drive is not available", vbExclamation
End If
Documents.Open strFileA
End Sub
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Graham Mayor - Word MVP
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Thank You JoAnn for considering and responding to my post. I had
recently been told not to save directly to my flash drive and that
was what I was trying when I saved one copy directly to my flash
drive and the other to My Documents. But both were encrypted - the
one on the flash drive and the one in My Documents. It is easy to
believe that the problem is me. I shy away from word processing on
my new system because I'm still on the uphill side of learing Word
2007 and I do not have much time to dedicate to the task. Instead of
taking the time to relearn Word I do all my 'homework' in Notepad
then convert it to Word 2003 when I get to work. I can store all my
Notepad files from the 2007 system directly to my flash drive as
well as all my cut and pastes and Excel files, and they are not
encrypted. I can even store directly to my flash drive all the
W2003 files I bring home from work and none of those are encrypted
when I open them in W2007, so that suggests I am doing something
wrong in W2007. Is there a way to turn off the encryption function?
Maybe I have turned it on by mistake. Any ideas will be greatly
appreciated. K.
Never, never, never save directly to removable media.
JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
Tech Editor for "Microsoft Publisher 2007 For Dummies"
At home I have Word 2007 and have almost no experience with it.
All other systems I come in contact with are W2003. In my W2007 I
created a short docu
and saved it to my flash drive. Then I created a second, new docu
and saved
it to My Documents on the work station that came with the W2007
installed. When I went to my flash drive and found the docu I just
saved, it showed as a
.docx, had a red bar and was listed as encrypted. Then I went to
My Documents, found that docu and it was the same - a .docx, red
bar and listed
as encrypted. Any ideas anyone may wish to offer about why every
docu I create and save in W2007 is saved as an encrypted file will
be greatly appreciated. Thanks, K.