everytime I open pages from server, it reverts back to old webpag.



Hi, using FrontPage 2003 because I upgraded from 2000 hoping that was my
issue, but it didn't work. My issues is that I have a wesite that is up an
running just fine that I bought from someone else, so I didn't build it and
am not an expert. I also use WS_FTP PRO. I am simply trying to update my
website and change some text. Everytime I download the webpages or even open
them up from a CDROM the original owner sent me, FrontPage automatically
reverts the webpages to an earlier version of the website. I have tried
numerous times to delete all files from hard drive and start over, but
everytime it does this. I view the files in Internet Explorer and they are
up-to-date and look fine, but as soon as I open them in FrontPage, somehow
really old files appear from a long time ago. The old website had a disabled
shopping cart, different borders, and text and this is what magically
appears. The current website has a shopping cart, newer text, and shared
borders at the bottom. Website is fine like it is but I need to make changes
and update, and everytime I open it in FrontPage, the older version somehow
appears. I have spent hours searching forums on the internet, and only found
one similar problem of a person with shared borders being a possibe issue,
but it didn't give a solution. I am really stuck, any help is really
appreciated! I have tried both WS_FTP PRO and just IE to download my files,
and it still does this. It's also not my cache, I also have done the
shift/refresh button, and still the old pages pop up...please help!

Stefan B Rusynko

1) You can not open a FP site from a CD in FP
- copy it to a new folder on your hard disc (remove all read only attributes) and browse to the new folder in FP File Open Site
2) Or if the online site has the FP SE open it in FP and publish it to your PC

| Hi, using FrontPage 2003 because I upgraded from 2000 hoping that was my
| issue, but it didn't work. My issues is that I have a wesite that is up an
| running just fine that I bought from someone else, so I didn't build it and
| am not an expert. I also use WS_FTP PRO. I am simply trying to update my
| website and change some text. Everytime I download the webpages or even open
| them up from a CDROM the original owner sent me, FrontPage automatically
| reverts the webpages to an earlier version of the website. I have tried
| numerous times to delete all files from hard drive and start over, but
| everytime it does this. I view the files in Internet Explorer and they are
| up-to-date and look fine, but as soon as I open them in FrontPage, somehow
| really old files appear from a long time ago. The old website had a disabled
| shopping cart, different borders, and text and this is what magically
| appears. The current website has a shopping cart, newer text, and shared
| borders at the bottom. Website is fine like it is but I need to make changes
| and update, and everytime I open it in FrontPage, the older version somehow
| appears. I have spent hours searching forums on the internet, and only found
| one similar problem of a person with shared borders being a possibe issue,
| but it didn't give a solution. I am really stuck, any help is really
| appreciated! I have tried both WS_FTP PRO and just IE to download my files,
| and it still does this. It's also not my cache, I also have done the
| shift/refresh button, and still the old pages pop up...please help!


First, thank you very much for responding, I really do appreciate it!
1) I have never opened the site from CD, only from a folder on hard drive as
you mentioned. I however have never removed any read only attributes. Would
this be causing the problem and how do I do this. Do you mean right click on
the file and change to something else and if so what should the attribute be?
2) The online site does have fontpage 'server extensions' installed guessing
that is what your FP SE stands for. So you are saying I can bypass my WS_FTP
Pro software and edit the pages directly on the site with FrontPage? What
steps are involved with publishing it to PC as you mentioned? I have tried
to do this from "open site" in FrontPage, but don't see an option of getting
on a server or publishing from the web to my PC?

Thanks again for your time!

Steve H

1. You remove the read-only atttribute by right-clicking on
the file and unselecting "Read only." You do not select
another attribute.

2. You can go to the web site through FP and work on the
pages "live." Then you hit File / Save and it is saved
immediately live. I always work this way. (I don't work on
the hard drive then publish to the server.)

To publish the live site to your hard drive:
1. File / Publish Site... / Remote Web Site Properties...
2. Browse to the File System on your computer. If there is
none, allow FP to create one.
3. Then it's a matter of selecting the correct from/to
orientation and Publish.

-----Original Message-----
First, thank you very much for responding, I really do appreciate it!
1) I have never opened the site from CD, only from a folder on hard drive as
you mentioned. I however have never removed any read only attributes. Would
this be causing the problem and how do I do this. Do you mean right click on
the file and change to something else and if so what should the attribute be?
2) The online site does have fontpage 'server extensions' installed guessing
that is what your FP SE stands for. So you are saying I can bypass my WS_FTP
Pro software and edit the pages directly on the site with FrontPage? What
steps are involved with publishing it to PC as you mentioned? I have tried
to do this from "open site" in FrontPage, but don't see an option of getting
on a server or publishing from the web to my PC?

Thanks again for your time!
read only attributes) and browse to the new folder in FP
File Open Sitein message


When I open FrontPage, the "pubilsh" selection in file is greyed out, I can't
select it. Is there something I am missing or a step I need to do first?

If I open one of the generic templates FP offers, I see the publish button
active, and am not sure of the 4 radio dial selection which one would be best
to use? My hosting is godaddy and I do have Server Extensions and I guess
FTP capability as well. Also have a Secure CertificateSSL thing, do I need
to check that SSL box and which of the 4 options are best to use and how do I
use them? What do I need to type if using something that requires entering
website address. I know my username and password and obivioulsy my url, but
sometimes there are certain things such as ftp or slashes here and there and
I don't know for sure what to type?

Is it okay do save my website on hardrive under 'my webs', read something
about that's not where I should save it?

Also, when transferring files using FTP, I always see some desktop.ini file
and thumbs file already in blank folders, and never know whether to overwrite
them or skip or what? I have done both, but don't know what they are for or
what is best to do?....thanks.

Stefan B Rusynko

To Publish w/ FP you need to open a FP site (not just a page)
Your host server either supports the FP Server Extensions or they don't
If they do see
(do not use the optimize options if you don't understand their impact)

If they don't see

If the site is going to be secure (and your host supports your certificate on the secure server) publish to the FP SE but use

| When I open FrontPage, the "pubilsh" selection in file is greyed out, I can't
| select it. Is there something I am missing or a step I need to do first?
| If I open one of the generic templates FP offers, I see the publish button
| active, and am not sure of the 4 radio dial selection which one would be best
| to use? My hosting is godaddy and I do have Server Extensions and I guess
| FTP capability as well. Also have a Secure CertificateSSL thing, do I need
| to check that SSL box and which of the 4 options are best to use and how do I
| use them? What do I need to type if using something that requires entering
| website address. I know my username and password and obivioulsy my url, but
| sometimes there are certain things such as ftp or slashes here and there and
| I don't know for sure what to type?
| Is it okay do save my website on hardrive under 'my webs', read something
| about that's not where I should save it?
| Also, when transferring files using FTP, I always see some desktop.ini file
| and thumbs file already in blank folders, and never know whether to overwrite
| them or skip or what? I have done both, but don't know what they are for or
| what is best to do?....thanks.
| "Steve H" wrote:
| > 1. You remove the read-only atttribute by right-clicking on
| > the file and unselecting "Read only." You do not select
| > another attribute.
| >
| > 2. You can go to the web site through FP and work on the
| > pages "live." Then you hit File / Save and it is saved
| > immediately live. I always work this way. (I don't work on
| > the hard drive then publish to the server.)
| >
| > To publish the live site to your hard drive:
| > 1. File / Publish Site... / Remote Web Site Properties...
| > 2. Browse to the File System on your computer. If there is
| > none, allow FP to create one.
| > 3. Then it's a matter of selecting the correct from/to
| > orientation and Publish.
| >
| >
| >
| > >-----Original Message-----
| > >First, thank you very much for responding, I really do
| > appreciate it!
| > >1) I have never opened the site from CD, only from a
| > folder on hard drive as
| > >you mentioned. I however have never removed any read only
| > attributes. Would
| > >this be causing the problem and how do I do this. Do you
| > mean right click on
| > >the file and change to something else and if so what
| > should the attribute be?
| > >2) The online site does have fontpage 'server extensions'
| > installed guessing
| > >that is what your FP SE stands for. So you are saying I
| > can bypass my WS_FTP
| > >Pro software and edit the pages directly on the site with
| > FrontPage? What
| > >steps are involved with publishing it to PC as you
| > mentioned? I have tried
| > >to do this from "open site" in FrontPage, but don't see an
| > option of getting
| > >on a server or publishing from the web to my PC?
| > >
| > >Thanks again for your time!
| > >
| > >"Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| > >
| > >> 1) You can not open a FP site from a CD in FP
| > >> - copy it to a new folder on your hard disc (remove all
| > read only attributes) and browse to the new folder in FP
| > File Open Site
| > >> 2) Or if the online site has the FP SE open it in FP and
| > publish it to your PC
| > >> --
| > >>
| > >> _____________________________________________
| > >> SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > >> "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > >> To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > >> http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > >> _____________________________________________
| > >>
| > >>
| > in message
| > | > >> | Hi, using FrontPage 2003 because I upgraded from 2000
| > hoping that was my
| > >> | issue, but it didn't work. My issues is that I have a
| > wesite that is up an
| > >> | running just fine that I bought from someone else, so
| > I didn't build it and
| > >> | am not an expert. I also use WS_FTP PRO. I am simply
| > trying to update my
| > >> | website and change some text. Everytime I download
| > the webpages or even open
| > >> | them up from a CDROM the original owner sent me,
| > FrontPage automatically
| > >> | reverts the webpages to an earlier version of the
| > website. I have tried
| > >> | numerous times to delete all files from hard drive and
| > start over, but
| > >> | everytime it does this. I view the files in Internet
| > Explorer and they are
| > >> | up-to-date and look fine, but as soon as I open them
| > in FrontPage, somehow
| > >> | really old files appear from a long time ago. The old
| > website had a disabled
| > >> | shopping cart, different borders, and text and this is
| > what magically
| > >> | appears. The current website has a shopping cart,
| > newer text, and shared
| > >> | borders at the bottom. Website is fine like it is but
| > I need to make changes
| > >> | and update, and everytime I open it in FrontPage, the
| > older version somehow
| > >> | appears. I have spent hours searching forums on the
| > internet, and only found
| > >> | one similar problem of a person with shared borders
| > being a possibe issue,
| > >> | but it didn't give a solution. I am really stuck, any
| > help is really
| > >> | appreciated! I have tried both WS_FTP PRO and just IE
| > to download my files,
| > >> | and it still does this. It's also not my cache, I
| > also have done the
| > >> | shift/refresh button, and still the old pages pop
| > up...please help!
| > >>
| > >>
| > >>
| > >.
| > >
| >


I followed the instructions on the link as my server does support SE and they
are installed. For some reason I can't get pass entering my username and
password. Any ideas what may be causing this? I know I am using the correct
ones as I can access the site with WS_FTP PRO or IE as a client no problem???
I tried both with SSL and withouth SSL option.

Stefan B Rusynko said:
To Publish w/ FP you need to open a FP site (not just a page)
Your host server either supports the FP Server Extensions or they don't
If they do see
(do not use the optimize options if you don't understand their impact)

If they don't see

If the site is going to be secure (and your host supports your certificate on the secure server) publish to the FP SE but use

| When I open FrontPage, the "pubilsh" selection in file is greyed out, I can't
| select it. Is there something I am missing or a step I need to do first?
| If I open one of the generic templates FP offers, I see the publish button
| active, and am not sure of the 4 radio dial selection which one would be best
| to use? My hosting is godaddy and I do have Server Extensions and I guess
| FTP capability as well. Also have a Secure CertificateSSL thing, do I need
| to check that SSL box and which of the 4 options are best to use and how do I
| use them? What do I need to type if using something that requires entering
| website address. I know my username and password and obivioulsy my url, but
| sometimes there are certain things such as ftp or slashes here and there and
| I don't know for sure what to type?
| Is it okay do save my website on hardrive under 'my webs', read something
| about that's not where I should save it?
| Also, when transferring files using FTP, I always see some desktop.ini file
| and thumbs file already in blank folders, and never know whether to overwrite
| them or skip or what? I have done both, but don't know what they are for or
| what is best to do?....thanks.
| "Steve H" wrote:
| > 1. You remove the read-only atttribute by right-clicking on
| > the file and unselecting "Read only." You do not select
| > another attribute.
| >
| > 2. You can go to the web site through FP and work on the
| > pages "live." Then you hit File / Save and it is saved
| > immediately live. I always work this way. (I don't work on
| > the hard drive then publish to the server.)
| >
| > To publish the live site to your hard drive:
| > 1. File / Publish Site... / Remote Web Site Properties...
| > 2. Browse to the File System on your computer. If there is
| > none, allow FP to create one.
| > 3. Then it's a matter of selecting the correct from/to
| > orientation and Publish.
| >
| >
| >
| > >-----Original Message-----
| > >First, thank you very much for responding, I really do
| > appreciate it!
| > >1) I have never opened the site from CD, only from a
| > folder on hard drive as
| > >you mentioned. I however have never removed any read only
| > attributes. Would
| > >this be causing the problem and how do I do this. Do you
| > mean right click on
| > >the file and change to something else and if so what
| > should the attribute be?
| > >2) The online site does have fontpage 'server extensions'
| > installed guessing
| > >that is what your FP SE stands for. So you are saying I
| > can bypass my WS_FTP
| > >Pro software and edit the pages directly on the site with
| > FrontPage? What
| > >steps are involved with publishing it to PC as you
| > mentioned? I have tried
| > >to do this from "open site" in FrontPage, but don't see an
| > option of getting
| > >on a server or publishing from the web to my PC?
| > >
| > >Thanks again for your time!
| > >
| > >"Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| > >
| > >> 1) You can not open a FP site from a CD in FP
| > >> - copy it to a new folder on your hard disc (remove all
| > read only attributes) and browse to the new folder in FP
| > File Open Site
| > >> 2) Or if the online site has the FP SE open it in FP and
| > publish it to your PC
| > >> --
| > >>
| > >> _____________________________________________
| > >> SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > >> "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > >> To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > >> http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > >> _____________________________________________
| > >>
| > >>
| > in message
| > | > >> | Hi, using FrontPage 2003 because I upgraded from 2000
| > hoping that was my
| > >> | issue, but it didn't work. My issues is that I have a
| > wesite that is up an
| > >> | running just fine that I bought from someone else, so
| > I didn't build it and
| > >> | am not an expert. I also use WS_FTP PRO. I am simply
| > trying to update my
| > >> | website and change some text. Everytime I download
| > the webpages or even open
| > >> | them up from a CDROM the original owner sent me,
| > FrontPage automatically
| > >> | reverts the webpages to an earlier version of the
| > website. I have tried
| > >> | numerous times to delete all files from hard drive and
| > start over, but
| > >> | everytime it does this. I view the files in Internet
| > Explorer and they are
| > >> | up-to-date and look fine, but as soon as I open them
| > in FrontPage, somehow
| > >> | really old files appear from a long time ago. The old
| > website had a disabled
| > >> | shopping cart, different borders, and text and this is
| > what magically
| > >> | appears. The current website has a shopping cart,
| > newer text, and shared
| > >> | borders at the bottom. Website is fine like it is but
| > I need to make changes
| > >> | and update, and everytime I open it in FrontPage, the
| > older version somehow
| > >> | appears. I have spent hours searching forums on the
| > internet, and only found
| > >> | one similar problem of a person with shared borders
| > being a possibe issue,
| > >> | but it didn't give a solution. I am really stuck, any
| > help is really
| > >> | appreciated! I have tried both WS_FTP PRO and just IE
| > to download my files,
| > >> | and it still does this. It's also not my cache, I
| > also have done the
| > >> | shift/refresh button, and still the old pages pop
| > up...please help!
| > >>
| > >>
| > >>
| > >.
| > >
| >

Stefan B Rusynko

Just because they support the FP SE doesn't mean they have them installed for your web
- make sure they do
Test it by using File Open Site in FP and entering your URL

To publish enter the URL in the location box as http://www.yoursitename.com/ and select the FP SE option (w/o the SSL)
If they have the FP SE enabled on a secure server to use your certificate enter the URL in the location box as
https://www.yoursitename.com/ and select the FP SE

|I followed the instructions on the link as my server does support SE and they
| are installed. For some reason I can't get pass entering my username and
| password. Any ideas what may be causing this? I know I am using the correct
| ones as I can access the site with WS_FTP PRO or IE as a client no problem???
| I tried both with SSL and withouth SSL option.
| "Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| > To Publish w/ FP you need to open a FP site (not just a page)
| > Your host server either supports the FP Server Extensions or they don't
| > If they do see
| > http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;825528&Product=fp2003
| > (do not use the optimize options if you don't understand their impact)
| >
| > If they don't see
| > http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;825503&Product=fp2003
| >
| > If the site is going to be secure (and your host supports your certificate on the secure server) publish to the FP SE but use
| > https://
| >
| > --
| >
| > _____________________________________________
| > SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > _____________________________________________
| >
| >
| > | When I open FrontPage, the "pubilsh" selection in file is greyed out, I can't
| > | select it. Is there something I am missing or a step I need to do first?
| > |
| > | If I open one of the generic templates FP offers, I see the publish button
| > | active, and am not sure of the 4 radio dial selection which one would be best
| > | to use? My hosting is godaddy and I do have Server Extensions and I guess
| > | FTP capability as well. Also have a Secure CertificateSSL thing, do I need
| > | to check that SSL box and which of the 4 options are best to use and how do I
| > | use them? What do I need to type if using something that requires entering
| > | website address. I know my username and password and obivioulsy my url, but
| > | sometimes there are certain things such as ftp or slashes here and there and
| > | I don't know for sure what to type?
| > |
| > | Is it okay do save my website on hardrive under 'my webs', read something
| > | about that's not where I should save it?
| > |
| > | Also, when transferring files using FTP, I always see some desktop.ini file
| > | and thumbs file already in blank folders, and never know whether to overwrite
| > | them or skip or what? I have done both, but don't know what they are for or
| > | what is best to do?....thanks.
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > | "Steve H" wrote:
| > |
| > | > 1. You remove the read-only atttribute by right-clicking on
| > | > the file and unselecting "Read only." You do not select
| > | > another attribute.
| > | >
| > | > 2. You can go to the web site through FP and work on the
| > | > pages "live." Then you hit File / Save and it is saved
| > | > immediately live. I always work this way. (I don't work on
| > | > the hard drive then publish to the server.)
| > | >
| > | > To publish the live site to your hard drive:
| > | > 1. File / Publish Site... / Remote Web Site Properties...
| > | > 2. Browse to the File System on your computer. If there is
| > | > none, allow FP to create one.
| > | > 3. Then it's a matter of selecting the correct from/to
| > | > orientation and Publish.
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >
| > | > >-----Original Message-----
| > | > >First, thank you very much for responding, I really do
| > | > appreciate it!
| > | > >1) I have never opened the site from CD, only from a
| > | > folder on hard drive as
| > | > >you mentioned. I however have never removed any read only
| > | > attributes. Would
| > | > >this be causing the problem and how do I do this. Do you
| > | > mean right click on
| > | > >the file and change to something else and if so what
| > | > should the attribute be?
| > | > >2) The online site does have fontpage 'server extensions'
| > | > installed guessing
| > | > >that is what your FP SE stands for. So you are saying I
| > | > can bypass my WS_FTP
| > | > >Pro software and edit the pages directly on the site with
| > | > FrontPage? What
| > | > >steps are involved with publishing it to PC as you
| > | > mentioned? I have tried
| > | > >to do this from "open site" in FrontPage, but don't see an
| > | > option of getting
| > | > >on a server or publishing from the web to my PC?
| > | > >
| > | > >Thanks again for your time!
| > | > >
| > | > >"Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| > | > >
| > | > >> 1) You can not open a FP site from a CD in FP
| > | > >> - copy it to a new folder on your hard disc (remove all
| > | > read only attributes) and browse to the new folder in FP
| > | > File Open Site
| > | > >> 2) Or if the online site has the FP SE open it in FP and
| > | > publish it to your PC
| > | > >> --
| > | > >>
| > | > >> _____________________________________________
| > | > >> SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > | > >> "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > | > >> To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > | > >> http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > | > >> _____________________________________________
| > | > >>
| > | > >>
| > | > in message
| > | > | > | > >> | Hi, using FrontPage 2003 because I upgraded from 2000
| > | > hoping that was my
| > | > >> | issue, but it didn't work. My issues is that I have a
| > | > wesite that is up an
| > | > >> | running just fine that I bought from someone else, so
| > | > I didn't build it and
| > | > >> | am not an expert. I also use WS_FTP PRO. I am simply
| > | > trying to update my
| > | > >> | website and change some text. Everytime I download
| > | > the webpages or even open
| > | > >> | them up from a CDROM the original owner sent me,
| > | > FrontPage automatically
| > | > >> | reverts the webpages to an earlier version of the
| > | > website. I have tried
| > | > >> | numerous times to delete all files from hard drive and
| > | > start over, but
| > | > >> | everytime it does this. I view the files in Internet
| > | > Explorer and they are
| > | > >> | up-to-date and look fine, but as soon as I open them
| > | > in FrontPage, somehow
| > | > >> | really old files appear from a long time ago. The old
| > | > website had a disabled
| > | > >> | shopping cart, different borders, and text and this is
| > | > what magically
| > | > >> | appears. The current website has a shopping cart,
| > | > newer text, and shared
| > | > >> | borders at the bottom. Website is fine like it is but
| > | > I need to make changes
| > | > >> | and update, and everytime I open it in FrontPage, the
| > | > older version somehow
| > | > >> | appears. I have spent hours searching forums on the
| > | > internet, and only found
| > | > >> | one similar problem of a person with shared borders
| > | > being a possibe issue,
| > | > >> | but it didn't give a solution. I am really stuck, any
| > | > help is really
| > | > >> | appreciated! I have tried both WS_FTP PRO and just IE
| > | > to download my files,
| > | > >> | and it still does this. It's also not my cache, I
| > | > also have done the
| > | > >> | shift/refresh button, and still the old pages pop
| > | > up...please help!
| > | > >>
| > | > >>
| > | > >>
| > | > >.
| > | > >
| > | >
| >
| >
| >


Test it by using File, Open Site in FP and then were do I enter the URL.
This gives an option of folders on my hard drive to open, but don't see
anywhere I can browse to an internet connection or enter a URL?

I know the SE are installed though. I just got off of the phone with them
and they confirmed it, and I selected for them to be installed a few weeks
ago. The person I bought the site from had to have them installed before he
could do a few things on it....so they are for sure installed.

This is strange and the hosting support couldn't figure anything out either.
I am trying to view remote site just as you suggeted, and just can't get it
to take my password. The same username and password works fine for FTP
through WS_FTP or just I.E., but not FrontPage? I type the URL just perfect
and have tried both with SSL and without SSL and http and https respectively.
I also tried the FTP connection option in FrontPage and it will then at
least show the files for the remote connection, but won't allow me to view
them in web browser, so something is wrong. I have another website that is
very basic and I can access it perfect through FP with the same directions
you have mentioned with the URL and password. For some reason only this main
important website has given me nothing but troubles. The only thing I can
think of different between the two is that SSL certificate, but I have tried
both ways with and without SSL. I got an error message one time saying the
certifiate I was trying to access did not match the site, but I viewed it and
it has the same URL. I only got this message once or twice, basically I just
keep putting in the correct username and password and it keeps asking for a
differnt password. I don't know what else to do? Tried the easiest thing,
closed out of all programs and restarted computer, but that was no help.

Stefan B Rusynko said:
Just because they support the FP SE doesn't mean they have them installed for your web
- make sure they do
Test it by using File Open Site in FP and entering your URL

To publish enter the URL in the location box as http://www.yoursitename.com/ and select the FP SE option (w/o the SSL)
If they have the FP SE enabled on a secure server to use your certificate enter the URL in the location box as
https://www.yoursitename.com/ and select the FP SE

|I followed the instructions on the link as my server does support SE and they
| are installed. For some reason I can't get pass entering my username and
| password. Any ideas what may be causing this? I know I am using the correct
| ones as I can access the site with WS_FTP PRO or IE as a client no problem???
| I tried both with SSL and withouth SSL option.
| "Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| > To Publish w/ FP you need to open a FP site (not just a page)
| > Your host server either supports the FP Server Extensions or they don't
| > If they do see
| > http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;825528&Product=fp2003
| > (do not use the optimize options if you don't understand their impact)
| >
| > If they don't see
| > http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;825503&Product=fp2003
| >
| > If the site is going to be secure (and your host supports your certificate on the secure server) publish to the FP SE but use
| > https://
| >
| > --
| >
| > _____________________________________________
| > SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > _____________________________________________
| >
| >
| > | When I open FrontPage, the "pubilsh" selection in file is greyed out, I can't
| > | select it. Is there something I am missing or a step I need to do first?
| > |
| > | If I open one of the generic templates FP offers, I see the publish button
| > | active, and am not sure of the 4 radio dial selection which one would be best
| > | to use? My hosting is godaddy and I do have Server Extensions and I guess
| > | FTP capability as well. Also have a Secure CertificateSSL thing, do I need
| > | to check that SSL box and which of the 4 options are best to use and how do I
| > | use them? What do I need to type if using something that requires entering
| > | website address. I know my username and password and obivioulsy my url, but
| > | sometimes there are certain things such as ftp or slashes here and there and
| > | I don't know for sure what to type?
| > |
| > | Is it okay do save my website on hardrive under 'my webs', read something
| > | about that's not where I should save it?
| > |
| > | Also, when transferring files using FTP, I always see some desktop.ini file
| > | and thumbs file already in blank folders, and never know whether to overwrite
| > | them or skip or what? I have done both, but don't know what they are for or
| > | what is best to do?....thanks.
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > | "Steve H" wrote:
| > |
| > | > 1. You remove the read-only atttribute by right-clicking on
| > | > the file and unselecting "Read only." You do not select
| > | > another attribute.
| > | >
| > | > 2. You can go to the web site through FP and work on the
| > | > pages "live." Then you hit File / Save and it is saved
| > | > immediately live. I always work this way. (I don't work on
| > | > the hard drive then publish to the server.)
| > | >
| > | > To publish the live site to your hard drive:
| > | > 1. File / Publish Site... / Remote Web Site Properties...
| > | > 2. Browse to the File System on your computer. If there is
| > | > none, allow FP to create one.
| > | > 3. Then it's a matter of selecting the correct from/to
| > | > orientation and Publish.
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >
| > | > >-----Original Message-----
| > | > >First, thank you very much for responding, I really do
| > | > appreciate it!
| > | > >1) I have never opened the site from CD, only from a
| > | > folder on hard drive as
| > | > >you mentioned. I however have never removed any read only
| > | > attributes. Would
| > | > >this be causing the problem and how do I do this. Do you
| > | > mean right click on
| > | > >the file and change to something else and if so what
| > | > should the attribute be?
| > | > >2) The online site does have fontpage 'server extensions'
| > | > installed guessing
| > | > >that is what your FP SE stands for. So you are saying I
| > | > can bypass my WS_FTP
| > | > >Pro software and edit the pages directly on the site with
| > | > FrontPage? What
| > | > >steps are involved with publishing it to PC as you
| > | > mentioned? I have tried
| > | > >to do this from "open site" in FrontPage, but don't see an
| > | > option of getting
| > | > >on a server or publishing from the web to my PC?
| > | > >
| > | > >Thanks again for your time!
| > | > >
| > | > >"Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| > | > >
| > | > >> 1) You can not open a FP site from a CD in FP
| > | > >> - copy it to a new folder on your hard disc (remove all
| > | > read only attributes) and browse to the new folder in FP
| > | > File Open Site
| > | > >> 2) Or if the online site has the FP SE open it in FP and
| > | > publish it to your PC
| > | > >> --
| > | > >>
| > | > >> _____________________________________________
| > | > >> SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > | > >> "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > | > >> To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > | > >> http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > | > >> _____________________________________________
| > | > >>
| > | > >>
| > | > in message
| > | > | > | > >> | Hi, using FrontPage 2003 because I upgraded from 2000
| > | > hoping that was my
| > | > >> | issue, but it didn't work. My issues is that I have a
| > | > wesite that is up an
| > | > >> | running just fine that I bought from someone else, so
| > | > I didn't build it and
| > | > >> | am not an expert. I also use WS_FTP PRO. I am simply
| > | > trying to update my
| > | > >> | website and change some text. Everytime I download
| > | > the webpages or even open
| > | > >> | them up from a CDROM the original owner sent me,
| > | > FrontPage automatically
| > | > >> | reverts the webpages to an earlier version of the
| > | > website. I have tried
| > | > >> | numerous times to delete all files from hard drive and
| > | > start over, but
| > | > >> | everytime it does this. I view the files in Internet
| > | > Explorer and they are
| > | > >> | up-to-date and look fine, but as soon as I open them
| > | > in FrontPage, somehow
| > | > >> | really old files appear from a long time ago. The old
| > | > website had a disabled
| > | > >> | shopping cart, different borders, and text and this is
| > | > what magically
| > | > >> | appears. The current website has a shopping cart,
| > | > newer text, and shared
| > | > >> | borders at the bottom. Website is fine like it is but
| > | > I need to make changes
| > | > >> | and update, and everytime I open it in FrontPage, the
| > | > older version somehow
| > | > >> | appears. I have spent hours searching forums on the
| > | > internet, and only found
| > | > >> | one similar problem of a person with shared borders
| > | > being a possibe issue,
| > | > >> | but it didn't give a solution. I am really stuck, any
| > | > help is really
| > | > >> | appreciated! I have tried both WS_FTP PRO and just IE
| > | > to download my files,
| > | > >> | and it still does this. It's also not my cache, I
| > | > also have done the
| > | > >> | shift/refresh button, and still the old pages pop
| > | > up...please help!
| > | > >>
| > | > >>
| > | > >>
| > | > >.
| > | > >
| > | >
| >
| >
| >


Also, I have an "edit with frontpage" button on my toolbar when using
Internet Exp. In the simple website that works in FP, I can click the
button, enter username and password and it all displays in FP no problem
ready to be edited. When I try this on the other site, I get the same
problem, the password won't work. Password works fine with FTP

calicoast said:
Test it by using File, Open Site in FP and then were do I enter the URL.
This gives an option of folders on my hard drive to open, but don't see
anywhere I can browse to an internet connection or enter a URL?

I know the SE are installed though. I just got off of the phone with them
and they confirmed it, and I selected for them to be installed a few weeks
ago. The person I bought the site from had to have them installed before he
could do a few things on it....so they are for sure installed.

This is strange and the hosting support couldn't figure anything out either.
I am trying to view remote site just as you suggeted, and just can't get it
to take my password. The same username and password works fine for FTP
through WS_FTP or just I.E., but not FrontPage? I type the URL just perfect
and have tried both with SSL and without SSL and http and https respectively.
I also tried the FTP connection option in FrontPage and it will then at
least show the files for the remote connection, but won't allow me to view
them in web browser, so something is wrong. I have another website that is
very basic and I can access it perfect through FP with the same directions
you have mentioned with the URL and password. For some reason only this main
important website has given me nothing but troubles. The only thing I can
think of different between the two is that SSL certificate, but I have tried
both ways with and without SSL. I got an error message one time saying the
certifiate I was trying to access did not match the site, but I viewed it and
it has the same URL. I only got this message once or twice, basically I just
keep putting in the correct username and password and it keeps asking for a
differnt password. I don't know what else to do? Tried the easiest thing,
closed out of all programs and restarted computer, but that was no help.

Stefan B Rusynko said:
Just because they support the FP SE doesn't mean they have them installed for your web
- make sure they do
Test it by using File Open Site in FP and entering your URL

To publish enter the URL in the location box as http://www.yoursitename.com/ and select the FP SE option (w/o the SSL)
If they have the FP SE enabled on a secure server to use your certificate enter the URL in the location box as
https://www.yoursitename.com/ and select the FP SE

|I followed the instructions on the link as my server does support SE and they
| are installed. For some reason I can't get pass entering my username and
| password. Any ideas what may be causing this? I know I am using the correct
| ones as I can access the site with WS_FTP PRO or IE as a client no problem???
| I tried both with SSL and withouth SSL option.
| "Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| > To Publish w/ FP you need to open a FP site (not just a page)
| > Your host server either supports the FP Server Extensions or they don't
| > If they do see
| > http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;825528&Product=fp2003
| > (do not use the optimize options if you don't understand their impact)
| >
| > If they don't see
| > http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;825503&Product=fp2003
| >
| > If the site is going to be secure (and your host supports your certificate on the secure server) publish to the FP SE but use
| > https://
| >
| > --
| >
| > _____________________________________________
| > SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > _____________________________________________
| >
| >
| > | When I open FrontPage, the "pubilsh" selection in file is greyed out, I can't
| > | select it. Is there something I am missing or a step I need to do first?
| > |
| > | If I open one of the generic templates FP offers, I see the publish button
| > | active, and am not sure of the 4 radio dial selection which one would be best
| > | to use? My hosting is godaddy and I do have Server Extensions and I guess
| > | FTP capability as well. Also have a Secure CertificateSSL thing, do I need
| > | to check that SSL box and which of the 4 options are best to use and how do I
| > | use them? What do I need to type if using something that requires entering
| > | website address. I know my username and password and obivioulsy my url, but
| > | sometimes there are certain things such as ftp or slashes here and there and
| > | I don't know for sure what to type?
| > |
| > | Is it okay do save my website on hardrive under 'my webs', read something
| > | about that's not where I should save it?
| > |
| > | Also, when transferring files using FTP, I always see some desktop.ini file
| > | and thumbs file already in blank folders, and never know whether to overwrite
| > | them or skip or what? I have done both, but don't know what they are for or
| > | what is best to do?....thanks.
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > | "Steve H" wrote:
| > |
| > | > 1. You remove the read-only atttribute by right-clicking on
| > | > the file and unselecting "Read only." You do not select
| > | > another attribute.
| > | >
| > | > 2. You can go to the web site through FP and work on the
| > | > pages "live." Then you hit File / Save and it is saved
| > | > immediately live. I always work this way. (I don't work on
| > | > the hard drive then publish to the server.)
| > | >
| > | > To publish the live site to your hard drive:
| > | > 1. File / Publish Site... / Remote Web Site Properties...
| > | > 2. Browse to the File System on your computer. If there is
| > | > none, allow FP to create one.
| > | > 3. Then it's a matter of selecting the correct from/to
| > | > orientation and Publish.
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >
| > | > >-----Original Message-----
| > | > >First, thank you very much for responding, I really do
| > | > appreciate it!
| > | > >1) I have never opened the site from CD, only from a
| > | > folder on hard drive as
| > | > >you mentioned. I however have never removed any read only
| > | > attributes. Would
| > | > >this be causing the problem and how do I do this. Do you
| > | > mean right click on
| > | > >the file and change to something else and if so what
| > | > should the attribute be?
| > | > >2) The online site does have fontpage 'server extensions'
| > | > installed guessing
| > | > >that is what your FP SE stands for. So you are saying I
| > | > can bypass my WS_FTP
| > | > >Pro software and edit the pages directly on the site with
| > | > FrontPage? What
| > | > >steps are involved with publishing it to PC as you
| > | > mentioned? I have tried
| > | > >to do this from "open site" in FrontPage, but don't see an
| > | > option of getting
| > | > >on a server or publishing from the web to my PC?
| > | > >
| > | > >Thanks again for your time!
| > | > >
| > | > >"Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| > | > >
| > | > >> 1) You can not open a FP site from a CD in FP
| > | > >> - copy it to a new folder on your hard disc (remove all
| > | > read only attributes) and browse to the new folder in FP
| > | > File Open Site
| > | > >> 2) Or if the online site has the FP SE open it in FP and
| > | > publish it to your PC
| > | > >> --
| > | > >>
| > | > >> _____________________________________________
| > | > >> SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > | > >> "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > | > >> To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > | > >> http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > | > >> _____________________________________________
| > | > >>
| > | > >>
| > | > in message
| > | > | > | > >> | Hi, using FrontPage 2003 because I upgraded from 2000
| > | > hoping that was my
| > | > >> | issue, but it didn't work. My issues is that I have a
| > | > wesite that is up an
| > | > >> | running just fine that I bought from someone else, so
| > | > I didn't build it and
| > | > >> | am not an expert. I also use WS_FTP PRO. I am simply
| > | > trying to update my
| > | > >> | website and change some text. Everytime I download
| > | > the webpages or even open
| > | > >> | them up from a CDROM the original owner sent me,
| > | > FrontPage automatically
| > | > >> | reverts the webpages to an earlier version of the
| > | > website. I have tried
| > | > >> | numerous times to delete all files from hard drive and
| > | > start over, but
| > | > >> | everytime it does this. I view the files in Internet
| > | > Explorer and they are
| > | > >> | up-to-date and look fine, but as soon as I open them
| > | > in FrontPage, somehow
| > | > >> | really old files appear from a long time ago. The old
| > | > website had a disabled
| > | > >> | shopping cart, different borders, and text and this is
| > | > what magically
| > | > >> | appears. The current website has a shopping cart,
| > | > newer text, and shared
| > | > >> | borders at the bottom. Website is fine like it is but
| > | > I need to make changes
| > | > >> | and update, and everytime I open it in FrontPage, the
| > | > older version somehow
| > | > >> | appears. I have spent hours searching forums on the
| > | > internet, and only found
| > | > >> | one similar problem of a person with shared borders
| > | > being a possibe issue,
| > | > >> | but it didn't give a solution. I am really stuck, any
| > | > help is really
| > | > >> | appreciated! I have tried both WS_FTP PRO and just IE
| > | > to download my files,
| > | > >> | and it still does this. It's also not my cache, I
| > | > also have done the
| > | > >> | shift/refresh button, and still the old pages pop
| > | > up...please help!
| > | > >>
| > | > >>
| > | > >>
| > | > >.
| > | > >
| > | >
| >
| >
| >

Stefan B Rusynko

Then there is a host set up problem w/ the FP SE or permission on the site
To test for the FP SE see http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;828909

| Also, I have an "edit with frontpage" button on my toolbar when using
| Internet Exp. In the simple website that works in FP, I can click the
| button, enter username and password and it all displays in FP no problem
| ready to be edited. When I try this on the other site, I get the same
| problem, the password won't work. Password works fine with FTP
| though.....strange.
| "calicoast" wrote:
| > Test it by using File, Open Site in FP and then were do I enter the URL.
| > This gives an option of folders on my hard drive to open, but don't see
| > anywhere I can browse to an internet connection or enter a URL?
| >
| > I know the SE are installed though. I just got off of the phone with them
| > and they confirmed it, and I selected for them to be installed a few weeks
| > ago. The person I bought the site from had to have them installed before he
| > could do a few things on it....so they are for sure installed.
| >
| > This is strange and the hosting support couldn't figure anything out either.
| > I am trying to view remote site just as you suggeted, and just can't get it
| > to take my password. The same username and password works fine for FTP
| > through WS_FTP or just I.E., but not FrontPage? I type the URL just perfect
| > and have tried both with SSL and without SSL and http and https respectively.
| > I also tried the FTP connection option in FrontPage and it will then at
| > least show the files for the remote connection, but won't allow me to view
| > them in web browser, so something is wrong. I have another website that is
| > very basic and I can access it perfect through FP with the same directions
| > you have mentioned with the URL and password. For some reason only this main
| > important website has given me nothing but troubles. The only thing I can
| > think of different between the two is that SSL certificate, but I have tried
| > both ways with and without SSL. I got an error message one time saying the
| > certifiate I was trying to access did not match the site, but I viewed it and
| > it has the same URL. I only got this message once or twice, basically I just
| > keep putting in the correct username and password and it keeps asking for a
| > differnt password. I don't know what else to do? Tried the easiest thing,
| > closed out of all programs and restarted computer, but that was no help.
| >
| > "Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| >
| > > Just because they support the FP SE doesn't mean they have them installed for your web
| > > - make sure they do
| > > Test it by using File Open Site in FP and entering your URL
| > >
| > > To publish enter the URL in the location box as http://www.yoursitename.com/ and select the FP SE option (w/o the SSL)
| > > If they have the FP SE enabled on a secure server to use your certificate enter the URL in the location box as
| > > https://www.yoursitename.com/ and select the FP SE
| > > --
| > >
| > > _____________________________________________
| > > SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > > "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > > To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > > http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > > _____________________________________________
| > >
| > >
| > > |I followed the instructions on the link as my server does support SE and they
| > > | are installed. For some reason I can't get pass entering my username and
| > > | password. Any ideas what may be causing this? I know I am using the correct
| > > | ones as I can access the site with WS_FTP PRO or IE as a client no problem???
| > > | I tried both with SSL and withouth SSL option.
| > > |
| > > | "Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| > > |
| > > | > To Publish w/ FP you need to open a FP site (not just a page)
| > > | > Your host server either supports the FP Server Extensions or they don't
| > > | > If they do see
| > > | > http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;825528&Product=fp2003
| > > | > (do not use the optimize options if you don't understand their impact)
| > > | >
| > > | > If they don't see
| > > | > http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;825503&Product=fp2003
| > > | >
| > > | > If the site is going to be secure (and your host supports your certificate on the secure server) publish to the FP SE but
| > > | > https://
| > > | >
| > > | > --
| > > | >
| > > | > _____________________________________________
| > > | > SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > > | > "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > > | > To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > > | > http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > > | > _____________________________________________
| > > | >
| > > | >
| > > | > | When I open FrontPage, the "pubilsh" selection in file is greyed out, I can't
| > > | > | select it. Is there something I am missing or a step I need to do first?
| > > | > |
| > > | > | If I open one of the generic templates FP offers, I see the publish button
| > > | > | active, and am not sure of the 4 radio dial selection which one would be best
| > > | > | to use? My hosting is godaddy and I do have Server Extensions and I guess
| > > | > | FTP capability as well. Also have a Secure CertificateSSL thing, do I need
| > > | > | to check that SSL box and which of the 4 options are best to use and how do I
| > > | > | use them? What do I need to type if using something that requires entering
| > > | > | website address. I know my username and password and obivioulsy my url, but
| > > | > | sometimes there are certain things such as ftp or slashes here and there and
| > > | > | I don't know for sure what to type?
| > > | > |
| > > | > | Is it okay do save my website on hardrive under 'my webs', read something
| > > | > | about that's not where I should save it?
| > > | > |
| > > | > | Also, when transferring files using FTP, I always see some desktop.ini file
| > > | > | and thumbs file already in blank folders, and never know whether to overwrite
| > > | > | them or skip or what? I have done both, but don't know what they are for or
| > > | > | what is best to do?....thanks.
| > > | > |
| > > | > |
| > > | > |
| > > | > | "Steve H" wrote:
| > > | > |
| > > | > | > 1. You remove the read-only atttribute by right-clicking on
| > > | > | > the file and unselecting "Read only." You do not select
| > > | > | > another attribute.
| > > | > | >
| > > | > | > 2. You can go to the web site through FP and work on the
| > > | > | > pages "live." Then you hit File / Save and it is saved
| > > | > | > immediately live. I always work this way. (I don't work on
| > > | > | > the hard drive then publish to the server.)
| > > | > | >
| > > | > | > To publish the live site to your hard drive:
| > > | > | > 1. File / Publish Site... / Remote Web Site Properties...
| > > | > | > 2. Browse to the File System on your computer. If there is
| > > | > | > none, allow FP to create one.
| > > | > | > 3. Then it's a matter of selecting the correct from/to
| > > | > | > orientation and Publish.
| > > | > | >
| > > | > | >
| > > | > | >
| > > | > | > >-----Original Message-----
| > > | > | > >First, thank you very much for responding, I really do
| > > | > | > appreciate it!
| > > | > | > >1) I have never opened the site from CD, only from a
| > > | > | > folder on hard drive as
| > > | > | > >you mentioned. I however have never removed any read only
| > > | > | > attributes. Would
| > > | > | > >this be causing the problem and how do I do this. Do you
| > > | > | > mean right click on
| > > | > | > >the file and change to something else and if so what
| > > | > | > should the attribute be?
| > > | > | > >2) The online site does have fontpage 'server extensions'
| > > | > | > installed guessing
| > > | > | > >that is what your FP SE stands for. So you are saying I
| > > | > | > can bypass my WS_FTP
| > > | > | > >Pro software and edit the pages directly on the site with
| > > | > | > FrontPage? What
| > > | > | > >steps are involved with publishing it to PC as you
| > > | > | > mentioned? I have tried
| > > | > | > >to do this from "open site" in FrontPage, but don't see an
| > > | > | > option of getting
| > > | > | > >on a server or publishing from the web to my PC?
| > > | > | > >
| > > | > | > >Thanks again for your time!
| > > | > | > >
| > > | > | > >"Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| > > | > | > >
| > > | > | > >> 1) You can not open a FP site from a CD in FP
| > > | > | > >> - copy it to a new folder on your hard disc (remove all
| > > | > | > read only attributes) and browse to the new folder in FP
| > > | > | > File Open Site
| > > | > | > >> 2) Or if the online site has the FP SE open it in FP and
| > > | > | > publish it to your PC
| > > | > | > >> --
| > > | > | > >>
| > > | > | > >> _____________________________________________
| > > | > | > >> SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > > | > | > >> "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > > | > | > >> To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > > | > | > >> http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > > | > | > >> _____________________________________________
| > > | > | > >>
| > > | > | > >>
| > > | > | > in message
| > > | > | > | > > | > | > >> | Hi, using FrontPage 2003 because I upgraded from 2000
| > > | > | > hoping that was my
| > > | > | > >> | issue, but it didn't work. My issues is that I have a
| > > | > | > wesite that is up an
| > > | > | > >> | running just fine that I bought from someone else, so
| > > | > | > I didn't build it and
| > > | > | > >> | am not an expert. I also use WS_FTP PRO. I am simply
| > > | > | > trying to update my
| > > | > | > >> | website and change some text. Everytime I download
| > > | > | > the webpages or even open
| > > | > | > >> | them up from a CDROM the original owner sent me,
| > > | > | > FrontPage automatically
| > > | > | > >> | reverts the webpages to an earlier version of the
| > > | > | > website. I have tried
| > > | > | > >> | numerous times to delete all files from hard drive and
| > > | > | > start over, but
| > > | > | > >> | everytime it does this. I view the files in Internet
| > > | > | > Explorer and they are
| > > | > | > >> | up-to-date and look fine, but as soon as I open them
| > > | > | > in FrontPage, somehow
| > > | > | > >> | really old files appear from a long time ago. The old
| > > | > | > website had a disabled
| > > | > | > >> | shopping cart, different borders, and text and this is
| > > | > | > what magically
| > > | > | > >> | appears. The current website has a shopping cart,
| > > | > | > newer text, and shared
| > > | > | > >> | borders at the bottom. Website is fine like it is but
| > > | > | > I need to make changes
| > > | > | > >> | and update, and everytime I open it in FrontPage, the
| > > | > | > older version somehow
| > > | > | > >> | appears. I have spent hours searching forums on the
| > > | > | > internet, and only found
| > > | > | > >> | one similar problem of a person with shared borders
| > > | > | > being a possibe issue,
| > > | > | > >> | but it didn't give a solution. I am really stuck, any
| > > | > | > help is really
| > > | > | > >> | appreciated! I have tried both WS_FTP PRO and just IE
| > > | > | > to download my files,
| > > | > | > >> | and it still does this. It's also not my cache, I
| > > | > | > also have done the
| > > | > | > >> | shift/refresh button, and still the old pages pop
| > > | > | > up...please help!
| > > | > | > >>
| > > | > | > >>
| > > | > | > >>
| > > | > | > >.
| > > | > | > >
| > > | > | >
| > > | >
| > > | >
| > > | >
| > >
| > >
| > >


Ok, the file that MicroSoft says to check out in the link you gave does not
even exist on my server, so I guess there is for sure a problem with SE. I
can look at my working site, and sure enough that file is on there. I called
support at godaddy.com where my hosing is, and tried twice and neither person
on phone had a clue. There only suggestions are to 1. copy missing files
from the working site to the non working, or 2. pay 150.00 for tech support
where they re-do all settings and I would have to upload the site back to
server. They want 150.00 dollars to re-set it when hosting is only 8.00 per
month! I tried copying the 1 missing file I know of, but it didn't work, and
looks like other files are missing or something.

Stefan B Rusynko said:
Then there is a host set up problem w/ the FP SE or permission on the site
To test for the FP SE see http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;828909

| Also, I have an "edit with frontpage" button on my toolbar when using
| Internet Exp. In the simple website that works in FP, I can click the
| button, enter username and password and it all displays in FP no problem
| ready to be edited. When I try this on the other site, I get the same
| problem, the password won't work. Password works fine with FTP
| though.....strange.
| "calicoast" wrote:
| > Test it by using File, Open Site in FP and then were do I enter the URL.
| > This gives an option of folders on my hard drive to open, but don't see
| > anywhere I can browse to an internet connection or enter a URL?
| >
| > I know the SE are installed though. I just got off of the phone with them
| > and they confirmed it, and I selected for them to be installed a few weeks
| > ago. The person I bought the site from had to have them installed before he
| > could do a few things on it....so they are for sure installed.
| >
| > This is strange and the hosting support couldn't figure anything out either.
| > I am trying to view remote site just as you suggeted, and just can't get it
| > to take my password. The same username and password works fine for FTP
| > through WS_FTP or just I.E., but not FrontPage? I type the URL just perfect
| > and have tried both with SSL and without SSL and http and https respectively.
| > I also tried the FTP connection option in FrontPage and it will then at
| > least show the files for the remote connection, but won't allow me to view
| > them in web browser, so something is wrong. I have another website that is
| > very basic and I can access it perfect through FP with the same directions
| > you have mentioned with the URL and password. For some reason only this main
| > important website has given me nothing but troubles. The only thing I can
| > think of different between the two is that SSL certificate, but I have tried
| > both ways with and without SSL. I got an error message one time saying the
| > certifiate I was trying to access did not match the site, but I viewed it and
| > it has the same URL. I only got this message once or twice, basically I just
| > keep putting in the correct username and password and it keeps asking for a
| > differnt password. I don't know what else to do? Tried the easiest thing,
| > closed out of all programs and restarted computer, but that was no help.
| >
| > "Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| >
| > > Just because they support the FP SE doesn't mean they have them installed for your web
| > > - make sure they do
| > > Test it by using File Open Site in FP and entering your URL
| > >
| > > To publish enter the URL in the location box as http://www.yoursitename.com/ and select the FP SE option (w/o the SSL)
| > > If they have the FP SE enabled on a secure server to use your certificate enter the URL in the location box as
| > > https://www.yoursitename.com/ and select the FP SE
| > > --
| > >
| > > _____________________________________________
| > > SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > > "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > > To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > > http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > > _____________________________________________
| > >
| > >
| > > |I followed the instructions on the link as my server does support SE and they
| > > | are installed. For some reason I can't get pass entering my username and
| > > | password. Any ideas what may be causing this? I know I am using the correct
| > > | ones as I can access the site with WS_FTP PRO or IE as a client no problem???
| > > | I tried both with SSL and withouth SSL option.
| > > |
| > > | "Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| > > |
| > > | > To Publish w/ FP you need to open a FP site (not just a page)
| > > | > Your host server either supports the FP Server Extensions or they don't
| > > | > If they do see
| > > | > http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;825528&Product=fp2003
| > > | > (do not use the optimize options if you don't understand their impact)
| > > | >
| > > | > If they don't see
| > > | > http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;825503&Product=fp2003
| > > | >
| > > | > If the site is going to be secure (and your host supports your certificate on the secure server) publish to the FP SE but
| > > | > https://
| > > | >
| > > | > --
| > > | >
| > > | > _____________________________________________
| > > | > SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > > | > "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > > | > To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > > | > http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > > | > _____________________________________________
| > > | >
| > > | >
| > > | > | When I open FrontPage, the "pubilsh" selection in file is greyed out, I can't
| > > | > | select it. Is there something I am missing or a step I need to do first?
| > > | > |
| > > | > | If I open one of the generic templates FP offers, I see the publish button
| > > | > | active, and am not sure of the 4 radio dial selection which one would be best
| > > | > | to use? My hosting is godaddy and I do have Server Extensions and I guess
| > > | > | FTP capability as well. Also have a Secure CertificateSSL thing, do I need
| > > | > | to check that SSL box and which of the 4 options are best to use and how do I
| > > | > | use them? What do I need to type if using something that requires entering
| > > | > | website address. I know my username and password and obivioulsy my url, but
| > > | > | sometimes there are certain things such as ftp or slashes here and there and
| > > | > | I don't know for sure what to type?
| > > | > |
| > > | > | Is it okay do save my website on hardrive under 'my webs', read something
| > > | > | about that's not where I should save it?
| > > | > |
| > > | > | Also, when transferring files using FTP, I always see some desktop.ini file
| > > | > | and thumbs file already in blank folders, and never know whether to overwrite
| > > | > | them or skip or what? I have done both, but don't know what they are for or
| > > | > | what is best to do?....thanks.
| > > | > |
| > > | > |
| > > | > |
| > > | > | "Steve H" wrote:
| > > | > |
| > > | > | > 1. You remove the read-only atttribute by right-clicking on
| > > | > | > the file and unselecting "Read only." You do not select
| > > | > | > another attribute.
| > > | > | >
| > > | > | > 2. You can go to the web site through FP and work on the
| > > | > | > pages "live." Then you hit File / Save and it is saved
| > > | > | > immediately live. I always work this way. (I don't work on
| > > | > | > the hard drive then publish to the server.)
| > > | > | >
| > > | > | > To publish the live site to your hard drive:
| > > | > | > 1. File / Publish Site... / Remote Web Site Properties...
| > > | > | > 2. Browse to the File System on your computer. If there is
| > > | > | > none, allow FP to create one.
| > > | > | > 3. Then it's a matter of selecting the correct from/to
| > > | > | > orientation and Publish.
| > > | > | >
| > > | > | >
| > > | > | >
| > > | > | > >-----Original Message-----
| > > | > | > >First, thank you very much for responding, I really do
| > > | > | > appreciate it!
| > > | > | > >1) I have never opened the site from CD, only from a
| > > | > | > folder on hard drive as
| > > | > | > >you mentioned. I however have never removed any read only
| > > | > | > attributes. Would
| > > | > | > >this be causing the problem and how do I do this. Do you
| > > | > | > mean right click on
| > > | > | > >the file and change to something else and if so what
| > > | > | > should the attribute be?
| > > | > | > >2) The online site does have fontpage 'server extensions'
| > > | > | > installed guessing
| > > | > | > >that is what your FP SE stands for. So you are saying I
| > > | > | > can bypass my WS_FTP
| > > | > | > >Pro software and edit the pages directly on the site with
| > > | > | > FrontPage? What
| > > | > | > >steps are involved with publishing it to PC as you
| > > | > | > mentioned? I have tried
| > > | > | > >to do this from "open site" in FrontPage, but don't see an
| > > | > | > option of getting
| > > | > | > >on a server or publishing from the web to my PC?
| > > | > | > >
| > > | > | > >Thanks again for your time!
| > > | > | > >
| > > | > | > >"Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| > > | > | > >
| > > | > | > >> 1) You can not open a FP site from a CD in FP
| > > | > | > >> - copy it to a new folder on your hard disc (remove all
| > > | > | > read only attributes) and browse to the new folder in FP
| > > | > | > File Open Site
| > > | > | > >> 2) Or if the online site has the FP SE open it in FP and
| > > | > | > publish it to your PC
| > > | > | > >> --
| > > | > | > >>
| > > | > | > >> _____________________________________________
| > > | > | > >> SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > > | > | > >> "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > > | > | > >> To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > > | > | > >> http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > > | > | > >> _____________________________________________
| > > | > | > >>
| > > | > | > >>
| > > | > | > in message
| > > | > | > | > > | > | > >> | Hi, using FrontPage 2003 because I upgraded from 2000
| > > | > | > hoping that was my
| > > | > | > >> | issue, but it didn't work. My issues is that I have a
| > > | > | > wesite that is up an
| > > | > | > >> | running just fine that I bought from someone else, so
| > > | > | > I didn't build it and
| > > | > | > >> | am not an expert. I also use WS_FTP PRO. I am simply
| > > | > | > trying to update my
| > > | > | > >> | website and change some text. Everytime I download
| > > | > | > the webpages or even open
| > > | > | > >> | them up from a CDROM the original owner sent me,
| > > | > | > FrontPage automatically
| > > | > | > >> | reverts the webpages to an earlier version of the
| > > | > | > website. I have tried
| > > | > | > >> | numerous times to delete all files from hard drive and
| > > | > | > start over, but
| > > | > | > >> | everytime it does this. I view the files in Internet
| > > | > | > Explorer and they are
| > > | > | > >> | up-to-date and look fine, but as soon as I open them
| > > | > | > in FrontPage, somehow
| > > | > | > >> | really old files appear from a long time ago. The old
| > > | > | > website had a disabled
| > > | > | > >> | shopping cart, different borders, and text and this is
| > > | > | > what magically
| > > | > | > >> | appears. The current website has a shopping cart,
| > > | > | > newer text, and shared
| > > | > | > >> | borders at the bottom. Website is fine like it is but
| > > | > | > I need to make changes
| > > | > | > >> | and update, and everytime I open it in FrontPage, the
| > > | > | > older version somehow
| > > | > | > >> | appears. I have spent hours searching forums on the
| > > | > | > internet, and only found
| > > | > | > >> | one similar problem of a person with shared borders
| > > | > | > being a possibe issue,
| > > | > | > >> | but it didn't give a solution. I am really stuck, any
| > > | > | > help is really
| > > | > | > >> | appreciated! I have tried both WS_FTP PRO and just IE
| > > | > | > to download my files,
| > > | > | > >> | and it still does this. It's also not my cache, I
| > > | > | > also have done the
| > > | > | > >> | shift/refresh button, and still the old pages pop
| > > | > | > up...please help!
| > > | > | > >>
| > > | > | > >>
| > > | > | > >>
| > > | > | > >.
| > > | > | > >
| > > | > | >
| > > | >
| > > | >
| > > | >
| > >
| > >
| > >


I copied every _vit file form the working site to the non-working that I saw
missing. It still doesn't work. What if I uninstall SE through the hosing
account and then re-install, will that reupload and redo all necessary files
do you think or screw up my site totally?

calicoast said:
Ok, the file that MicroSoft says to check out in the link you gave does not
even exist on my server, so I guess there is for sure a problem with SE. I
can look at my working site, and sure enough that file is on there. I called
support at godaddy.com where my hosing is, and tried twice and neither person
on phone had a clue. There only suggestions are to 1. copy missing files
from the working site to the non working, or 2. pay 150.00 for tech support
where they re-do all settings and I would have to upload the site back to
server. They want 150.00 dollars to re-set it when hosting is only 8.00 per
month! I tried copying the 1 missing file I know of, but it didn't work, and
looks like other files are missing or something.

Stefan B Rusynko said:
Then there is a host set up problem w/ the FP SE or permission on the site
To test for the FP SE see http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;828909

| Also, I have an "edit with frontpage" button on my toolbar when using
| Internet Exp. In the simple website that works in FP, I can click the
| button, enter username and password and it all displays in FP no problem
| ready to be edited. When I try this on the other site, I get the same
| problem, the password won't work. Password works fine with FTP
| though.....strange.
| "calicoast" wrote:
| > Test it by using File, Open Site in FP and then were do I enter the URL.
| > This gives an option of folders on my hard drive to open, but don't see
| > anywhere I can browse to an internet connection or enter a URL?
| >
| > I know the SE are installed though. I just got off of the phone with them
| > and they confirmed it, and I selected for them to be installed a few weeks
| > ago. The person I bought the site from had to have them installed before he
| > could do a few things on it....so they are for sure installed.
| >
| > This is strange and the hosting support couldn't figure anything out either.
| > I am trying to view remote site just as you suggeted, and just can't get it
| > to take my password. The same username and password works fine for FTP
| > through WS_FTP or just I.E., but not FrontPage? I type the URL just perfect
| > and have tried both with SSL and without SSL and http and https respectively.
| > I also tried the FTP connection option in FrontPage and it will then at
| > least show the files for the remote connection, but won't allow me to view
| > them in web browser, so something is wrong. I have another website that is
| > very basic and I can access it perfect through FP with the same directions
| > you have mentioned with the URL and password. For some reason only this main
| > important website has given me nothing but troubles. The only thing I can
| > think of different between the two is that SSL certificate, but I have tried
| > both ways with and without SSL. I got an error message one time saying the
| > certifiate I was trying to access did not match the site, but I viewed it and
| > it has the same URL. I only got this message once or twice, basically I just
| > keep putting in the correct username and password and it keeps asking for a
| > differnt password. I don't know what else to do? Tried the easiest thing,
| > closed out of all programs and restarted computer, but that was no help.
| >
| > "Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| >
| > > Just because they support the FP SE doesn't mean they have them installed for your web
| > > - make sure they do
| > > Test it by using File Open Site in FP and entering your URL
| > >
| > > To publish enter the URL in the location box as http://www.yoursitename.com/ and select the FP SE option (w/o the SSL)
| > > If they have the FP SE enabled on a secure server to use your certificate enter the URL in the location box as
| > > https://www.yoursitename.com/ and select the FP SE
| > > --
| > >
| > > _____________________________________________
| > > SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > > "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > > To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > > http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > > _____________________________________________
| > >
| > >
| > > |I followed the instructions on the link as my server does support SE and they
| > > | are installed. For some reason I can't get pass entering my username and
| > > | password. Any ideas what may be causing this? I know I am using the correct
| > > | ones as I can access the site with WS_FTP PRO or IE as a client no problem???
| > > | I tried both with SSL and withouth SSL option.
| > > |
| > > | "Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| > > |
| > > | > To Publish w/ FP you need to open a FP site (not just a page)
| > > | > Your host server either supports the FP Server Extensions or they don't
| > > | > If they do see
| > > | > http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;825528&Product=fp2003
| > > | > (do not use the optimize options if you don't understand their impact)
| > > | >
| > > | > If they don't see
| > > | > http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;825503&Product=fp2003
| > > | >
| > > | > If the site is going to be secure (and your host supports your certificate on the secure server) publish to the FP SE but
| > > | > https://
| > > | >
| > > | > --
| > > | >
| > > | > _____________________________________________
| > > | > SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > > | > "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > > | > To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > > | > http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > > | > _____________________________________________
| > > | >
| > > | >
| > > | > | When I open FrontPage, the "pubilsh" selection in file is greyed out, I can't
| > > | > | select it. Is there something I am missing or a step I need to do first?
| > > | > |
| > > | > | If I open one of the generic templates FP offers, I see the publish button
| > > | > | active, and am not sure of the 4 radio dial selection which one would be best
| > > | > | to use? My hosting is godaddy and I do have Server Extensions and I guess
| > > | > | FTP capability as well. Also have a Secure CertificateSSL thing, do I need
| > > | > | to check that SSL box and which of the 4 options are best to use and how do I
| > > | > | use them? What do I need to type if using something that requires entering
| > > | > | website address. I know my username and password and obivioulsy my url, but
| > > | > | sometimes there are certain things such as ftp or slashes here and there and
| > > | > | I don't know for sure what to type?
| > > | > |
| > > | > | Is it okay do save my website on hardrive under 'my webs', read something
| > > | > | about that's not where I should save it?
| > > | > |
| > > | > | Also, when transferring files using FTP, I always see some desktop.ini file
| > > | > | and thumbs file already in blank folders, and never know whether to overwrite
| > > | > | them or skip or what? I have done both, but don't know what they are for or
| > > | > | what is best to do?....thanks.
| > > | > |
| > > | > |
| > > | > |
| > > | > | "Steve H" wrote:
| > > | > |
| > > | > | > 1. You remove the read-only atttribute by right-clicking on
| > > | > | > the file and unselecting "Read only." You do not select
| > > | > | > another attribute.
| > > | > | >
| > > | > | > 2. You can go to the web site through FP and work on the
| > > | > | > pages "live." Then you hit File / Save and it is saved
| > > | > | > immediately live. I always work this way. (I don't work on
| > > | > | > the hard drive then publish to the server.)
| > > | > | >
| > > | > | > To publish the live site to your hard drive:
| > > | > | > 1. File / Publish Site... / Remote Web Site Properties...
| > > | > | > 2. Browse to the File System on your computer. If there is
| > > | > | > none, allow FP to create one.
| > > | > | > 3. Then it's a matter of selecting the correct from/to
| > > | > | > orientation and Publish.
| > > | > | >
| > > | > | >
| > > | > | >
| > > | > | > >-----Original Message-----
| > > | > | > >First, thank you very much for responding, I really do
| > > | > | > appreciate it!
| > > | > | > >1) I have never opened the site from CD, only from a
| > > | > | > folder on hard drive as
| > > | > | > >you mentioned. I however have never removed any read only
| > > | > | > attributes. Would
| > > | > | > >this be causing the problem and how do I do this. Do you
| > > | > | > mean right click on
| > > | > | > >the file and change to something else and if so what
| > > | > | > should the attribute be?
| > > | > | > >2) The online site does have fontpage 'server extensions'
| > > | > | > installed guessing
| > > | > | > >that is what your FP SE stands for. So you are saying I
| > > | > | > can bypass my WS_FTP
| > > | > | > >Pro software and edit the pages directly on the site with
| > > | > | > FrontPage? What
| > > | > | > >steps are involved with publishing it to PC as you
| > > | > | > mentioned? I have tried
| > > | > | > >to do this from "open site" in FrontPage, but don't see an
| > > | > | > option of getting
| > > | > | > >on a server or publishing from the web to my PC?
| > > | > | > >
| > > | > | > >Thanks again for your time!
| > > | > | > >
| > > | > | > >"Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| > > | > | > >
| > > | > | > >> 1) You can not open a FP site from a CD in FP
| > > | > | > >> - copy it to a new folder on your hard disc (remove all
| > > | > | > read only attributes) and browse to the new folder in FP
| > > | > | > File Open Site
| > > | > | > >> 2) Or if the online site has the FP SE open it in FP and
| > > | > | > publish it to your PC
| > > | > | > >> --
| > > | > | > >>
| > > | > | > >> _____________________________________________
| > > | > | > >> SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > > | > | > >> "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > > | > | > >> To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > > | > | > >> http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > > | > | > >> _____________________________________________
| > > | > | > >>
| > > | > | > >>
| > > | > | > in message
| > > | > | > | > > | > | > >> | Hi, using FrontPage 2003 because I upgraded from 2000
| > > | > | > hoping that was my
| > > | > | > >> | issue, but it didn't work. My issues is that I have a
| > > | > | > wesite that is up an
| > > | > | > >> | running just fine that I bought from someone else, so
| > > | > | > I didn't build it and
| > > | > | > >> | am not an expert. I also use WS_FTP PRO. I am simply
| > > | > | > trying to update my
| > > | > | > >> | website and change some text. Everytime I download
| > > | > | > the webpages or even open
| > > | > | > >> | them up from a CDROM the original owner sent me,
| > > | > | > FrontPage automatically
| > > | > | > >> | reverts the webpages to an earlier version of the
| > > | > | > website. I have tried
| > > | > | > >> | numerous times to delete all files from hard drive and
| > > | > | > start over, but
| > > | > | > >> | everytime it does this. I view the files in Internet
| > > | > | > Explorer and they are
| > > | > | > >> | up-to-date and look fine, but as soon as I open them
| > > | > | > in FrontPage, somehow
| > > | > | > >> | really old files appear from a long time ago. The old
| > > | > | > website had a disabled
| > > | > | > >> | shopping cart, different borders, and text and this is
| > > | > | > what magically
| > > | > | > >> | appears. The current website has a shopping cart,
| > > | > | > newer text, and shared
| > > | > | > >> | borders at the bottom. Website is fine like it is but
| > > | > | > I need to make changes
| > > | > | > >> | and update, and everytime I open it in FrontPage, the
| > > | > | > older version somehow
| > > | > | > >> | appears. I have spent hours searching forums on the
| > > | > | > internet, and only found
| > > | > | > >> | one similar problem of a person with shared borders
| > > | > | > being a possibe issue,
| > > | > | > >> | but it didn't give a solution. I am really stuck, any
| > > | > | > help is really
| > > | > | > >> | appreciated! I have tried both WS_FTP PRO and just IE
| > > | > | > to download my files,
| > > | > | > >> | and it still does this. It's also not my cache, I
| > > | > | > also have done the
| > > | > | > >> | shift/refresh button, and still the old pages pop
| > > | > | > up...please help!
| > > | > | > >>
| > > | > | > >>
| > > | > | > >>
| > > | > | > >.
| > > | > | > >
| > > | > | >
| > > | >
| > > | >
| > > | >
| > >
| > >
| > >

Thomas A. Rowe

The FP _vti files are NEVER copied or published between location/servers, the FP extensions must
create and manage _vti folders during the publishing operation on the destination server. By copying
your local versions, you have corrupted the extensions on the remote server. You need to, at this
point delete the content on the live/remote server, then completely remove the extensions, then
re-apply the extensions and re-publish from your local copy.

Suggest you find another host, as you should never have to pay to have the extensions re-installed
or configured to work correctly.
Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

calicoast said:
I copied every _vit file form the working site to the non-working that I saw
missing. It still doesn't work. What if I uninstall SE through the hosing
account and then re-install, will that reupload and redo all necessary files
do you think or screw up my site totally?

calicoast said:
Ok, the file that MicroSoft says to check out in the link you gave does not
even exist on my server, so I guess there is for sure a problem with SE. I
can look at my working site, and sure enough that file is on there. I called
support at godaddy.com where my hosing is, and tried twice and neither person
on phone had a clue. There only suggestions are to 1. copy missing files
from the working site to the non working, or 2. pay 150.00 for tech support
where they re-do all settings and I would have to upload the site back to
server. They want 150.00 dollars to re-set it when hosting is only 8.00 per
month! I tried copying the 1 missing file I know of, but it didn't work, and
looks like other files are missing or something.

Stefan B Rusynko said:
Then there is a host set up problem w/ the FP SE or permission on the site
To test for the FP SE see http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;828909

| Also, I have an "edit with frontpage" button on my toolbar when using
| Internet Exp. In the simple website that works in FP, I can click the
| button, enter username and password and it all displays in FP no problem
| ready to be edited. When I try this on the other site, I get the same
| problem, the password won't work. Password works fine with FTP
| though.....strange.
| "calicoast" wrote:
| > Test it by using File, Open Site in FP and then were do I enter the URL.
| > This gives an option of folders on my hard drive to open, but don't see
| > anywhere I can browse to an internet connection or enter a URL?
| >
| > I know the SE are installed though. I just got off of the phone with them
| > and they confirmed it, and I selected for them to be installed a few weeks
| > ago. The person I bought the site from had to have them installed before he
| > could do a few things on it....so they are for sure installed.
| >
| > This is strange and the hosting support couldn't figure anything out either.
| > I am trying to view remote site just as you suggeted, and just can't get it
| > to take my password. The same username and password works fine for FTP
| > through WS_FTP or just I.E., but not FrontPage? I type the URL just perfect
| > and have tried both with SSL and without SSL and http and https respectively.
| > I also tried the FTP connection option in FrontPage and it will then at
| > least show the files for the remote connection, but won't allow me to view
| > them in web browser, so something is wrong. I have another website that is
| > very basic and I can access it perfect through FP with the same directions
| > you have mentioned with the URL and password. For some reason only this main
| > important website has given me nothing but troubles. The only thing I can
| > think of different between the two is that SSL certificate, but I have tried
| > both ways with and without SSL. I got an error message one time saying the
| > certifiate I was trying to access did not match the site, but I viewed it and
| > it has the same URL. I only got this message once or twice, basically I just
| > keep putting in the correct username and password and it keeps asking for a
| > differnt password. I don't know what else to do? Tried the easiest thing,
| > closed out of all programs and restarted computer, but that was no help.
| >
| > "Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| >
| > > Just because they support the FP SE doesn't mean they have them installed for your web
| > > - make sure they do
| > > Test it by using File Open Site in FP and entering your URL
| > >
| > > To publish enter the URL in the location box as http://www.yoursitename.com/ and select
the FP SE option (w/o the SSL)
| > > If they have the FP SE enabled on a secure server to use your certificate enter the URL
in the location box as
| > > https://www.yoursitename.com/ and select the FP SE
| > > --
| > >
| > > _____________________________________________
| > > SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > > "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > > To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > > http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > > _____________________________________________
| > >
| > >
| > > |I followed the instructions on the link as my server does support SE and they
| > > | are installed. For some reason I can't get pass entering my username and
| > > | password. Any ideas what may be causing this? I know I am using the correct
| > > | ones as I can access the site with WS_FTP PRO or IE as a client no problem???
| > > | I tried both with SSL and withouth SSL option.
| > > |
| > > | "Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| > > |
| > > | > To Publish w/ FP you need to open a FP site (not just a page)
| > > | > Your host server either supports the FP Server Extensions or they don't
| > > | > If they do see
| > > | > http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;825528&Product=fp2003
| > > | > (do not use the optimize options if you don't understand their impact)
| > > | >
| > > | > If they don't see
| > > | > http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;825503&Product=fp2003
| > > | >
| > > | > If the site is going to be secure (and your host supports your certificate on the
secure server) publish to the FP SE but
| > > | > https://
| > > | >
| > > | > --
| > > | >
| > > | > _____________________________________________
| > > | > SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > > | > "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > > | > To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > > | > http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > > | > _____________________________________________
| > > | >
| > > | >
| > > | > | When I open FrontPage, the "pubilsh" selection in file is greyed out, I can't
| > > | > | select it. Is there something I am missing or a step I need to do first?
| > > | > |
| > > | > | If I open one of the generic templates FP offers, I see the publish button
| > > | > | active, and am not sure of the 4 radio dial selection which one would be best
| > > | > | to use? My hosting is godaddy and I do have Server Extensions and I guess
| > > | > | FTP capability as well. Also have a Secure CertificateSSL thing, do I need
| > > | > | to check that SSL box and which of the 4 options are best to use and how do I
| > > | > | use them? What do I need to type if using something that requires entering
| > > | > | website address. I know my username and password and obivioulsy my url, but
| > > | > | sometimes there are certain things such as ftp or slashes here and there and
| > > | > | I don't know for sure what to type?
| > > | > |
| > > | > | Is it okay do save my website on hardrive under 'my webs', read something
| > > | > | about that's not where I should save it?
| > > | > |
| > > | > | Also, when transferring files using FTP, I always see some desktop.ini file
| > > | > | and thumbs file already in blank folders, and never know whether to overwrite
| > > | > | them or skip or what? I have done both, but don't know what they are for or
| > > | > | what is best to do?....thanks.
| > > | > |
| > > | > |
| > > | > |
| > > | > | "Steve H" wrote:
| > > | > |
| > > | > | > 1. You remove the read-only atttribute by right-clicking on
| > > | > | > the file and unselecting "Read only." You do not select
| > > | > | > another attribute.
| > > | > | >
| > > | > | > 2. You can go to the web site through FP and work on the
| > > | > | > pages "live." Then you hit File / Save and it is saved
| > > | > | > immediately live. I always work this way. (I don't work on
| > > | > | > the hard drive then publish to the server.)
| > > | > | >
| > > | > | > To publish the live site to your hard drive:
| > > | > | > 1. File / Publish Site... / Remote Web Site Properties...
| > > | > | > 2. Browse to the File System on your computer. If there is
| > > | > | > none, allow FP to create one.
| > > | > | > 3. Then it's a matter of selecting the correct from/to
| > > | > | > orientation and Publish.
| > > | > | >
| > > | > | >
| > > | > | >
| > > | > | > >-----Original Message-----
| > > | > | > >First, thank you very much for responding, I really do
| > > | > | > appreciate it!
| > > | > | > >1) I have never opened the site from CD, only from a
| > > | > | > folder on hard drive as
| > > | > | > >you mentioned. I however have never removed any read only
| > > | > | > attributes. Would
| > > | > | > >this be causing the problem and how do I do this. Do you
| > > | > | > mean right click on
| > > | > | > >the file and change to something else and if so what
| > > | > | > should the attribute be?
| > > | > | > >2) The online site does have fontpage 'server extensions'
| > > | > | > installed guessing
| > > | > | > >that is what your FP SE stands for. So you are saying I
| > > | > | > can bypass my WS_FTP
| > > | > | > >Pro software and edit the pages directly on the site with
| > > | > | > FrontPage? What
| > > | > | > >steps are involved with publishing it to PC as you
| > > | > | > mentioned? I have tried
| > > | > | > >to do this from "open site" in FrontPage, but don't see an
| > > | > | > option of getting
| > > | > | > >on a server or publishing from the web to my PC?
| > > | > | > >
| > > | > | > >Thanks again for your time!
| > > | > | > >
| > > | > | > >"Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| > > | > | > >
| > > | > | > >> 1) You can not open a FP site from a CD in FP
| > > | > | > >> - copy it to a new folder on your hard disc (remove all
| > > | > | > read only attributes) and browse to the new folder in FP
| > > | > | > File Open Site
| > > | > | > >> 2) Or if the online site has the FP SE open it in FP and
| > > | > | > publish it to your PC
| > > | > | > >> --
| > > | > | > >>
| > > | > | > >> _____________________________________________
| > > | > | > >> SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > > | > | > >> "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > > | > | > >> To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > > | > | > >> http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > > | > | > >> _____________________________________________
| > > | > | > >>
| > > | > | > >>
| > > | > | > in message
| > > | > | > | > > | > | > >> | Hi, using FrontPage 2003 because I upgraded from 2000
| > > | > | > hoping that was my
| > > | > | > >> | issue, but it didn't work. My issues is that I have a
| > > | > | > wesite that is up an
| > > | > | > >> | running just fine that I bought from someone else, so
| > > | > | > I didn't build it and
| > > | > | > >> | am not an expert. I also use WS_FTP PRO. I am simply
| > > | > | > trying to update my
| > > | > | > >> | website and change some text. Everytime I download
| > > | > | > the webpages or even open
| > > | > | > >> | them up from a CDROM the original owner sent me,
| > > | > | > FrontPage automatically
| > > | > | > >> | reverts the webpages to an earlier version of the
| > > | > | > website. I have tried
| > > | > | > >> | numerous times to delete all files from hard drive and
| > > | > | > start over, but
| > > | > | > >> | everytime it does this. I view the files in Internet
| > > | > | > Explorer and they are
| > > | > | > >> | up-to-date and look fine, but as soon as I open them
| > > | > | > in FrontPage, somehow
| > > | > | > >> | really old files appear from a long time ago. The old
| > > | > | > website had a disabled
| > > | > | > >> | shopping cart, different borders, and text and this is
| > > | > | > what magically
| > > | > | > >> | appears. The current website has a shopping cart,
| > > | > | > newer text, and shared
| > > | > | > >> | borders at the bottom. Website is fine like it is but
| > > | > | > I need to make changes
| > > | > | > >> | and update, and everytime I open it in FrontPage, the
| > > | > | > older version somehow
| > > | > | > >> | appears. I have spent hours searching forums on the
| > > | > | > internet, and only found
| > > | > | > >> | one similar problem of a person with shared borders
| > > | > | > being a possibe issue,
| > > | > | > >> | but it didn't give a solution. I am really stuck, any
| > > | > | > help is really
| > > | > | > >> | appreciated! I have tried both WS_FTP PRO and just IE
| > > | > | > to download my files,
| > > | > | > >> | and it still does this. It's also not my cache, I
| > > | > | > also have done the
| > > | > | > >> | shift/refresh button, and still the old pages pop
| > > | > | > up...please help!
| > > | > | > >>
| > > | > | > >>
| > > | > | > >>
| > > | > | > >.
| > > | > | > >
| > > | > | >
| > > | >
| > > | >
| > > | >
| > >
| > >
| > >


When backing up a site then what files do I mess with. I have always copied
EVERY file, but many times there are ones that already exist when copying
remote to local in even an empty folder. Like thumbs.db, desktop.ini etc. I
have sometimes overwritten them an sometimes skip. I don't know which is
correct, should I just not even mess with them and stick with html files

Thomas A. Rowe said:
The FP _vti files are NEVER copied or published between location/servers, the FP extensions must
create and manage _vti folders during the publishing operation on the destination server. By copying
your local versions, you have corrupted the extensions on the remote server. You need to, at this
point delete the content on the live/remote server, then completely remove the extensions, then
re-apply the extensions and re-publish from your local copy.

Suggest you find another host, as you should never have to pay to have the extensions re-installed
or configured to work correctly.
Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

calicoast said:
I copied every _vit file form the working site to the non-working that I saw
missing. It still doesn't work. What if I uninstall SE through the hosing
account and then re-install, will that reupload and redo all necessary files
do you think or screw up my site totally?

calicoast said:
Ok, the file that MicroSoft says to check out in the link you gave does not
even exist on my server, so I guess there is for sure a problem with SE. I
can look at my working site, and sure enough that file is on there. I called
support at godaddy.com where my hosing is, and tried twice and neither person
on phone had a clue. There only suggestions are to 1. copy missing files
from the working site to the non working, or 2. pay 150.00 for tech support
where they re-do all settings and I would have to upload the site back to
server. They want 150.00 dollars to re-set it when hosting is only 8.00 per
month! I tried copying the 1 missing file I know of, but it didn't work, and
looks like other files are missing or something.


Then there is a host set up problem w/ the FP SE or permission on the site
To test for the FP SE see http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;828909

| Also, I have an "edit with frontpage" button on my toolbar when using
| Internet Exp. In the simple website that works in FP, I can click the
| button, enter username and password and it all displays in FP no problem
| ready to be edited. When I try this on the other site, I get the same
| problem, the password won't work. Password works fine with FTP
| though.....strange.
| "calicoast" wrote:
| > Test it by using File, Open Site in FP and then were do I enter the URL.
| > This gives an option of folders on my hard drive to open, but don't see
| > anywhere I can browse to an internet connection or enter a URL?
| >
| > I know the SE are installed though. I just got off of the phone with them
| > and they confirmed it, and I selected for them to be installed a few weeks
| > ago. The person I bought the site from had to have them installed before he
| > could do a few things on it....so they are for sure installed.
| >
| > This is strange and the hosting support couldn't figure anything out either.
| > I am trying to view remote site just as you suggeted, and just can't get it
| > to take my password. The same username and password works fine for FTP
| > through WS_FTP or just I.E., but not FrontPage? I type the URL just perfect
| > and have tried both with SSL and without SSL and http and https respectively.
| > I also tried the FTP connection option in FrontPage and it will then at
| > least show the files for the remote connection, but won't allow me to view
| > them in web browser, so something is wrong. I have another website that is
| > very basic and I can access it perfect through FP with the same directions
| > you have mentioned with the URL and password. For some reason only this main
| > important website has given me nothing but troubles. The only thing I can
| > think of different between the two is that SSL certificate, but I have tried
| > both ways with and without SSL. I got an error message one time saying the
| > certifiate I was trying to access did not match the site, but I viewed it and
| > it has the same URL. I only got this message once or twice, basically I just
| > keep putting in the correct username and password and it keeps asking for a
| > differnt password. I don't know what else to do? Tried the easiest thing,
| > closed out of all programs and restarted computer, but that was no help.
| >
| > "Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| >
| > > Just because they support the FP SE doesn't mean they have them installed for your web
| > > - make sure they do
| > > Test it by using File Open Site in FP and entering your URL
| > >
| > > To publish enter the URL in the location box as http://www.yoursitename.com/ and select
the FP SE option (w/o the SSL)
| > > If they have the FP SE enabled on a secure server to use your certificate enter the URL
in the location box as
| > > https://www.yoursitename.com/ and select the FP SE
| > > --
| > >
| > > _____________________________________________
| > > SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > > "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > > To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > > http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > > _____________________________________________
| > >
| > >
| > > |I followed the instructions on the link as my server does support SE and they
| > > | are installed. For some reason I can't get pass entering my username and
| > > | password. Any ideas what may be causing this? I know I am using the correct
| > > | ones as I can access the site with WS_FTP PRO or IE as a client no problem???
| > > | I tried both with SSL and withouth SSL option.
| > > |
| > > | "Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| > > |
| > > | > To Publish w/ FP you need to open a FP site (not just a page)
| > > | > Your host server either supports the FP Server Extensions or they don't
| > > | > If they do see
| > > | > http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;825528&Product=fp2003
| > > | > (do not use the optimize options if you don't understand their impact)
| > > | >
| > > | > If they don't see
| > > | > http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;825503&Product=fp2003
| > > | >
| > > | > If the site is going to be secure (and your host supports your certificate on the
secure server) publish to the FP SE but
| > > | > https://
| > > | >
| > > | > --
| > > | >
| > > | > _____________________________________________
| > > | > SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > > | > "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > > | > To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > > | > http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > > | > _____________________________________________
| > > | >
| > > | >
| > > | > | When I open FrontPage, the "pubilsh" selection in file is greyed out, I can't
| > > | > | select it. Is there something I am missing or a step I need to do first?
| > > | > |
| > > | > | If I open one of the generic templates FP offers, I see the publish button
| > > | > | active, and am not sure of the 4 radio dial selection which one would be best
| > > | > | to use? My hosting is godaddy and I do have Server Extensions and I guess
| > > | > | FTP capability as well. Also have a Secure CertificateSSL thing, do I need
| > > | > | to check that SSL box and which of the 4 options are best to use and how do I
| > > | > | use them? What do I need to type if using something that requires entering
| > > | > | website address. I know my username and password and obivioulsy my url, but
| > > | > | sometimes there are certain things such as ftp or slashes here and there and
| > > | > | I don't know for sure what to type?
| > > | > |
| > > | > | Is it okay do save my website on hardrive under 'my webs', read something
| > > | > | about that's not where I should save it?
| > > | > |
| > > | > | Also, when transferring files using FTP, I always see some desktop.ini file
| > > | > | and thumbs file already in blank folders, and never know whether to overwrite
| > > | > | them or skip or what? I have done both, but don't know what they are for or
| > > | > | what is best to do?....thanks.
| > > | > |
| > > | > |
| > > | > |
| > > | > | "Steve H" wrote:
| > > | > |
| > > | > | > 1. You remove the read-only atttribute by right-clicking on
| > > | > | > the file and unselecting "Read only." You do not select
| > > | > | > another attribute.
| > > | > | >
| > > | > | > 2. You can go to the web site through FP and work on the
| > > | > | > pages "live." Then you hit File / Save and it is saved
| > > | > | > immediately live. I always work this way. (I don't work on
| > > | > | > the hard drive then publish to the server.)
| > > | > | >
| > > | > | > To publish the live site to your hard drive:
| > > | > | > 1. File / Publish Site... / Remote Web Site Properties...
| > > | > | > 2. Browse to the File System on your computer. If there is
| > > | > | > none, allow FP to create one.
| > > | > | > 3. Then it's a matter of selecting the correct from/to
| > > | > | > orientation and Publish.
| > > | > | >
| > > | > | >
| > > | > | >
| > > | > | > >-----Original Message-----
| > > | > | > >First, thank you very much for responding, I really do
| > > | > | > appreciate it!
| > > | > | > >1) I have never opened the site from CD, only from a
| > > | > | > folder on hard drive as
| > > | > | > >you mentioned. I however have never removed any read only
| > > | > | > attributes. Would
| > > | > | > >this be causing the problem and how do I do this. Do you
| > > | > | > mean right click on
| > > | > | > >the file and change to something else and if so what
| > > | > | > should the attribute be?
| > > | > | > >2) The online site does have fontpage 'server extensions'
| > > | > | > installed guessing
| > > | > | > >that is what your FP SE stands for. So you are saying I
| > > | > | > can bypass my WS_FTP
| > > | > | > >Pro software and edit the pages directly on the site with
| > > | > | > FrontPage? What
| > > | > | > >steps are involved with publishing it to PC as you
| > > | > | > mentioned? I have tried
| > > | > | > >to do this from "open site" in FrontPage, but don't see an
| > > | > | > option of getting
| > > | > | > >on a server or publishing from the web to my PC?
| > > | > | > >
| > > | > | > >Thanks again for your time!
| > > | > | > >
| > > | > | > >"Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| > > | > | > >
| > > | > | > >> 1) You can not open a FP site from a CD in FP
| > > | > | > >> - copy it to a new folder on your hard disc (remove all
| > > | > | > read only attributes) and browse to the new folder in FP
| > > | > | > File Open Site
| > > | > | > >> 2) Or if the online site has the FP SE open it in FP and
| > > | > | > publish it to your PC
| > > | > | > >> --
| > > | > | > >>
| > > | > | > >> _____________________________________________
| > > | > | > >> SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > > | > | > >> "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > > | > | > >> To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > > | > | > >> http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > > | > | > >> _____________________________________________
| > > | > | > >>
| > > | > | > >>
| > > | > | > in message
| > > | > | > | > > | > | > >> | Hi, using FrontPage 2003 because I upgraded from 2000
| > > | > | > hoping that was my
| > > | > | > >> | issue, but it didn't work. My issues is that I have a
| > > | > | > wesite that is up an
| > > | > | > >> | running just fine that I bought from someone else, so
| > > | > | > I didn't build it and
| > > | > | > >> | am not an expert. I also use WS_FTP PRO. I am simply
| > > | > | > trying to update my
| > > | > | > >> | website and change some text. Everytime I download
| > > | > | > the webpages or even open
| > > | > | > >> | them up from a CDROM the original owner sent me,
| > > | > | > FrontPage automatically
| > > | > | > >> | reverts the webpages to an earlier version of the
| > > | > | > website. I have tried
| > > | > | > >> | numerous times to delete all files from hard drive and
| > > | > | > start over, but
| > > | > | > >> | everytime it does this. I view the files in Internet
| > > | > | > Explorer and they are
| > > | > | > >> | up-to-date and look fine, but as soon as I open them
| > > | > | > in FrontPage, somehow
| > > | > | > >> | really old files appear from a long time ago. The old
| > > | > | > website had a disabled
| > > | > | > >> | shopping cart, different borders, and text and this is
| > > | > | > what magically
| > > | > | > >> | appears. The current website has a shopping cart,
| > > | > | > newer text, and shared
| > > | > | > >> | borders at the bottom. Website is fine like it is but
| > > | > | > I need to make changes
| > > | > | > >> | and update, and everytime I open it in FrontPage, the
| > > | > | > older version somehow
| > > | > | > >> | appears. I have spent hours searching forums on the
| > > | > | > internet, and only found
| > > | > | > >> | one similar problem of a person with shared borders
| > > | > | > being a possibe issue,
| > > | > | > >> | but it didn't give a solution. I am really stuck, any
| > > | > | > help is really
| > > | > | > >> | appreciated! I have tried both WS_FTP PRO and just IE
| > > | > | > to download my files,
| > > | > | > >> | and it still does this. It's also not my cache, I
| > > | > | > also have done the
| > > | > | > >> | shift/refresh button, and still the old pages pop
| > > | > | > up...please help!
| > > | > | > >>
| > > | > | > >>
| > > | > | > >>
| > > | > | > >.
| > > | > | > >
| > > | > | >
| > > | >
| > > | >
| > > | >
| > >
| > >
| > >

Thomas A. Rowe

You should always publish or zip the folder holding the web or use a backup application.

The thumbs.db file should never been in a web, and it is only there because you have view the web
folder content outside of FP in Windows Explorer, you should get out of this habit.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

calicoast said:
When backing up a site then what files do I mess with. I have always copied
EVERY file, but many times there are ones that already exist when copying
remote to local in even an empty folder. Like thumbs.db, desktop.ini etc. I
have sometimes overwritten them an sometimes skip. I don't know which is
correct, should I just not even mess with them and stick with html files

Thomas A. Rowe said:
The FP _vti files are NEVER copied or published between location/servers, the FP extensions must
create and manage _vti folders during the publishing operation on the destination server. By
your local versions, you have corrupted the extensions on the remote server. You need to, at this
point delete the content on the live/remote server, then completely remove the extensions, then
re-apply the extensions and re-publish from your local copy.

Suggest you find another host, as you should never have to pay to have the extensions
or configured to work correctly.
Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

calicoast said:
I copied every _vit file form the working site to the non-working that I saw
missing. It still doesn't work. What if I uninstall SE through the hosing
account and then re-install, will that reupload and redo all necessary files
do you think or screw up my site totally?


Ok, the file that MicroSoft says to check out in the link you gave does not
even exist on my server, so I guess there is for sure a problem with SE. I
can look at my working site, and sure enough that file is on there. I called
support at godaddy.com where my hosing is, and tried twice and neither person
on phone had a clue. There only suggestions are to 1. copy missing files
from the working site to the non working, or 2. pay 150.00 for tech support
where they re-do all settings and I would have to upload the site back to
server. They want 150.00 dollars to re-set it when hosting is only 8.00 per
month! I tried copying the 1 missing file I know of, but it didn't work, and
looks like other files are missing or something.


Then there is a host set up problem w/ the FP SE or permission on the site
To test for the FP SE see http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;828909

| Also, I have an "edit with frontpage" button on my toolbar when using
| Internet Exp. In the simple website that works in FP, I can click the
| button, enter username and password and it all displays in FP no problem
| ready to be edited. When I try this on the other site, I get the same
| problem, the password won't work. Password works fine with FTP
| though.....strange.
| "calicoast" wrote:
| > Test it by using File, Open Site in FP and then were do I enter the URL.
| > This gives an option of folders on my hard drive to open, but don't see
| > anywhere I can browse to an internet connection or enter a URL?
| >
| > I know the SE are installed though. I just got off of the phone with them
| > and they confirmed it, and I selected for them to be installed a few weeks
| > ago. The person I bought the site from had to have them installed before he
| > could do a few things on it....so they are for sure installed.
| >
| > This is strange and the hosting support couldn't figure anything out either.
| > I am trying to view remote site just as you suggeted, and just can't get it
| > to take my password. The same username and password works fine for FTP
| > through WS_FTP or just I.E., but not FrontPage? I type the URL just perfect
| > and have tried both with SSL and without SSL and http and https respectively.
| > I also tried the FTP connection option in FrontPage and it will then at
| > least show the files for the remote connection, but won't allow me to view
| > them in web browser, so something is wrong. I have another website that is
| > very basic and I can access it perfect through FP with the same directions
| > you have mentioned with the URL and password. For some reason only this main
| > important website has given me nothing but troubles. The only thing I can
| > think of different between the two is that SSL certificate, but I have tried
| > both ways with and without SSL. I got an error message one time saying the
| > certifiate I was trying to access did not match the site, but I viewed it and
| > it has the same URL. I only got this message once or twice, basically I just
| > keep putting in the correct username and password and it keeps asking for a
| > differnt password. I don't know what else to do? Tried the easiest thing,
| > closed out of all programs and restarted computer, but that was no help.
| >
| > "Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| >
| > > Just because they support the FP SE doesn't mean they have them installed for your web
| > > - make sure they do
| > > Test it by using File Open Site in FP and entering your URL
| > >
| > > To publish enter the URL in the location box as http://www.yoursitename.com/ and
the FP SE option (w/o the SSL)
| > > If they have the FP SE enabled on a secure server to use your certificate enter the
in the location box as
| > > https://www.yoursitename.com/ and select the FP SE
| > > --
| > >
| > > _____________________________________________
| > > SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > > "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > > To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > > http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > > _____________________________________________
| > >
| > >
| > > |I followed the instructions on the link as my server does support SE and they
| > > | are installed. For some reason I can't get pass entering my username and
| > > | password. Any ideas what may be causing this? I know I am using the correct
| > > | ones as I can access the site with WS_FTP PRO or IE as a client no problem???
| > > | I tried both with SSL and withouth SSL option.
| > > |
| > > | "Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| > > |
| > > | > To Publish w/ FP you need to open a FP site (not just a page)
| > > | > Your host server either supports the FP Server Extensions or they don't
| > > | > If they do see
| > > | > http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;825528&Product=fp2003
| > > | > (do not use the optimize options if you don't understand their impact)
| > > | >
| > > | > If they don't see
| > > | > http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;825503&Product=fp2003
| > > | >
| > > | > If the site is going to be secure (and your host supports your certificate on the
secure server) publish to the FP SE but
| > > | > https://
| > > | >
| > > | > --
| > > | >
| > > | > _____________________________________________
| > > | > SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > > | > "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > > | > To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > > | > http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > > | > _____________________________________________
| > > | >
| > > | >
| > > | > | When I open FrontPage, the "pubilsh" selection in file is greyed out, I can't
| > > | > | select it. Is there something I am missing or a step I need to do first?
| > > | > |
| > > | > | If I open one of the generic templates FP offers, I see the publish button
| > > | > | active, and am not sure of the 4 radio dial selection which one would be best
| > > | > | to use? My hosting is godaddy and I do have Server Extensions and I guess
| > > | > | FTP capability as well. Also have a Secure CertificateSSL thing, do I need
| > > | > | to check that SSL box and which of the 4 options are best to use and how do I
| > > | > | use them? What do I need to type if using something that requires entering
| > > | > | website address. I know my username and password and obivioulsy my url, but
| > > | > | sometimes there are certain things such as ftp or slashes here and there and
| > > | > | I don't know for sure what to type?
| > > | > |
| > > | > | Is it okay do save my website on hardrive under 'my webs', read something
| > > | > | about that's not where I should save it?
| > > | > |
| > > | > | Also, when transferring files using FTP, I always see some desktop.ini file
| > > | > | and thumbs file already in blank folders, and never know whether to overwrite
| > > | > | them or skip or what? I have done both, but don't know what they are for or
| > > | > | what is best to do?....thanks.
| > > | > |
| > > | > |
| > > | > |
| > > | > | "Steve H" wrote:
| > > | > |
| > > | > | > 1. You remove the read-only atttribute by right-clicking on
| > > | > | > the file and unselecting "Read only." You do not select
| > > | > | > another attribute.
| > > | > | >
| > > | > | > 2. You can go to the web site through FP and work on the
| > > | > | > pages "live." Then you hit File / Save and it is saved
| > > | > | > immediately live. I always work this way. (I don't work on
| > > | > | > the hard drive then publish to the server.)
| > > | > | >
| > > | > | > To publish the live site to your hard drive:
| > > | > | > 1. File / Publish Site... / Remote Web Site Properties...
| > > | > | > 2. Browse to the File System on your computer. If there is
| > > | > | > none, allow FP to create one.
| > > | > | > 3. Then it's a matter of selecting the correct from/to
| > > | > | > orientation and Publish.
| > > | > | >
| > > | > | >
| > > | > | >
| > > | > | > >-----Original Message-----
| > > | > | > >First, thank you very much for responding, I really do
| > > | > | > appreciate it!
| > > | > | > >1) I have never opened the site from CD, only from a
| > > | > | > folder on hard drive as
| > > | > | > >you mentioned. I however have never removed any read only
| > > | > | > attributes. Would
| > > | > | > >this be causing the problem and how do I do this. Do you
| > > | > | > mean right click on
| > > | > | > >the file and change to something else and if so what
| > > | > | > should the attribute be?
| > > | > | > >2) The online site does have fontpage 'server extensions'
| > > | > | > installed guessing
| > > | > | > >that is what your FP SE stands for. So you are saying I
| > > | > | > can bypass my WS_FTP
| > > | > | > >Pro software and edit the pages directly on the site with
| > > | > | > FrontPage? What
| > > | > | > >steps are involved with publishing it to PC as you
| > > | > | > mentioned? I have tried
| > > | > | > >to do this from "open site" in FrontPage, but don't see an
| > > | > | > option of getting
| > > | > | > >on a server or publishing from the web to my PC?
| > > | > | > >
| > > | > | > >Thanks again for your time!
| > > | > | > >
| > > | > | > >"Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| > > | > | > >
| > > | > | > >> 1) You can not open a FP site from a CD in FP
| > > | > | > >> - copy it to a new folder on your hard disc (remove all
| > > | > | > read only attributes) and browse to the new folder in FP
| > > | > | > File Open Site
| > > | > | > >> 2) Or if the online site has the FP SE open it in FP and
| > > | > | > publish it to your PC
| > > | > | > >> --
| > > | > | > >>
| > > | > | > >> _____________________________________________
| > > | > | > >> SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > > | > | > >> "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > > | > | > >> To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > > | > | > >> http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > > | > | > >> _____________________________________________
| > > | > | > >>
| > > | > | > >>
| > > | > | > in message
| > > | > | > | > > | > | > >> | Hi, using FrontPage 2003 because I upgraded from 2000
| > > | > | > hoping that was my
| > > | > | > >> | issue, but it didn't work. My issues is that I have a
| > > | > | > wesite that is up an
| > > | > | > >> | running just fine that I bought from someone else, so
| > > | > | > I didn't build it and
| > > | > | > >> | am not an expert. I also use WS_FTP PRO. I am simply
| > > | > | > trying to update my
| > > | > | > >> | website and change some text. Everytime I download
| > > | > | > the webpages or even open
| > > | > | > >> | them up from a CDROM the original owner sent me,
| > > | > | > FrontPage automatically
| > > | > | > >> | reverts the webpages to an earlier version of the
| > > | > | > website. I have tried
| > > | > | > >> | numerous times to delete all files from hard drive and
| > > | > | > start over, but
| > > | > | > >> | everytime it does this. I view the files in Internet
| > > | > | > Explorer and they are
| > > | > | > >> | up-to-date and look fine, but as soon as I open them
| > > | > | > in FrontPage, somehow
| > > | > | > >> | really old files appear from a long time ago. The old
| > > | > | > website had a disabled
| > > | > | > >> | shopping cart, different borders, and text and this is
| > > | > | > what magically
| > > | > | > >> | appears. The current website has a shopping cart,
| > > | > | > newer text, and shared
| > > | > | > >> | borders at the bottom. Website is fine like it is but
| > > | > | > I need to make changes
| > > | > | > >> | and update, and everytime I open it in FrontPage, the
| > > | > | > older version somehow
| > > | > | > >> | appears. I have spent hours searching forums on the
| > > | > | > internet, and only found
| > > | > | > >> | one similar problem of a person with shared borders
| > > | > | > being a possibe issue,
| > > | > | > >> | but it didn't give a solution. I am really stuck, any
| > > | > | > help is really
| > > | > | > >> | appreciated! I have tried both WS_FTP PRO and just IE
| > > | > | > to download my files,
| > > | > | > >> | and it still does this. It's also not my cache, I
| > > | > | > also have done the
| > > | > | > >> | shift/refresh button, and still the old pages pop
| > > | > | > up...please help!
| > > | > | > >>
| > > | > | > >>
| > > | > | > >>
| > > | > | > >.
| > > | > | > >
| > > | > | >
| > > | >
| > > | >
| > > | >
| > >
| > >
| > >

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