Sorry for the delay. You need a macro to select the cells. Copy this to a VB
module shown in a previous post, and return to the sheet.
Press ALT + F8 and click once on the name if it is not selected
Click Options
Assign a letter to the macro. (note that if you select Ctrl + C as the
shortcut, you will not be able to use that shortcut to copy a selection in
this workbook)
Sub SelectPrecedents()
Dim rng As String, rng2 As String, frml As String
Dim frst As Integer, scnd As Integer, thrd As Integer, last As Integer
Dim critA As Integer, critB As Integer, first As Integer
Dim Crit As String, colA As Integer, colB As Integer, offsetCol As Integer
Dim c, d, SelRange As Range, row As Long
' continue if the formula in not Sumif type
On Error Resume Next
For Each c In Selection
SelRange = ""
If c.HasFormula = False Then
MsgBox "You must select cells with formulas!"
Exit Sub
End If
'gather info from formula
frml = ActiveCell.Formula
frst = Application.Find("(", frml) + 1
scnd = Application.Find(",", frml)
thrd = Application.Find(",", frml, scnd) + 6
last = Len(frml)
first = Application.Find(",", frml) + 3
critA = Application.Find(",", frml) + 3
critB = Application.Find(",", frml, critA) - 1
Crit = Mid(frml, critA, critB - critA)
rng = Mid(frml, frst, scnd - frst)
rng2 = Mid(frml, thrd, last - thrd)
colA = Range(rng).Column
colB = Range(rng2).Column
For Each d In Range(rng)
row = d.row
If d.Value = Crit Then
If SelRange Is Nothing Then
Set SelRange = Range(Cells(row, colA), Cells(row, colB))
Set SelRange = Application.Union(SelRange, Range(Cells(row, colA),
Cells(row, colB)))
End If
End If
Next d
Next c
End Sub
Note that it is only suitable to inspect a SUMIF function and use only on a
single formula at a time.
Peter Atherton
Abdul Shakeel said:
Dear Billy
First of all thanks for your answer....but I just want that when I press
Ctrl + [ in my sumif holding formula it select only those cell that meets my
given criteria specification, rather select the range A1:B23.
Billy Liddel said:
Normally, we test the formula on a range werre we know the result then trust
Excel to handle the rest. I pasted you data into cells A19:b23 and the
formula I gave returned =B, which was correct.
To find the number of Bs in the range you could use the COUNTIF function
COUNTIF(Range,Criteria) or sumproduct:
Both return 2 in your example.
Using SUMPRODUCT as an option to SUMIF you would use
or do you want a function that, using my range, declares something like
"Rows 20, 23" ?
Perhaps you might find the Formula Auditing in the Tools Menu to trace
Let I v a range A1 to B5 In which I have Data just like this
A 100
B 110
A 115
A 120
B 125
in cell C1 I typed this formula Sumif(A1:A5,"=B",B1:B5) & result will be 235
I just want that when I edit the formula reseltunt cells selects
automatically thats in this example are A2 & A5.
Example please