Hmm. That's interesting. I just assumed it would be the recommended
approach. In an application I wrote a few years ago (my only major
project in Access), I enforced referential integrity in code. I was
building experience, and I did not have a guru to consult in my
office, so I always wondered if I was doing it the best way. Is that
what you mean by "do your lookups on forms" or something else?
We'd better clarify our terminology. By "lookup fields", I mean the
combination of data definition, relationship definition, and combo-box
UI created in Access table design view by the "Lookup Wizard". I do
*not* mean defining a field that is the key to a many-to-one
relationship between two tables, such that values for that field in the
"many" table should be "looked up" in the "one" table.
There are three main problems with the lookup fields created by the
1. Assuming that this is a table-lookup, not just a value list, the
wizard creates a *hidden* relationship between the tables. It's much
better to explicitly define the relationship using the relationship
designer. Then you have control of it, and can set its properties --
especially those concerned with referential integrity.
2. On the (hopefully) rare occasions when you open the table as a
datasheet, the actual content of the field is hidden from you. Instead,
you see the "looked up" value. And if the relationship has been broken,
so that the foreign key value no longer appears in the lookup table, you
see nothing at all. This makes it harder to investigate problems.
3. Use of the lookup field in the table design is a user-interface
mechanism that encourages you to do your productive database work in
table datasheets. But forms are much better for this purpose. They are
designed to provide a powerful, flexible, and programmable user
interface, and they do a good job at it. So I'd recommend against using
table datasheets for data presentation and editing in production.
Now, none of that is intended to say that the lookup, as provided by the
combo box control, isn't a terrific user-interface feature. But I'd
argue that it should be used on forms, not in the table design itself.
So if I have a many-to-one relationship between two tables, and want
users to choose a value for the "many" table from a list provided by the
"one" table, I'll set about it like this:
First, I'll create both tables. I won't define an index on the
foreign-key field, because I know that the relationship I'm about to
design will create one.
Next, I'll open the Relationships window, add the tables, and define the
relationship between them.
Then I'll create the forms for editing these tables. In the form for
editing the many-side table, I'll use a combo box to display the
foreign-key field, with its rowsource set to a SQL statement that pulls
the appropriate values and their descriptions from the one-side table.
So the combo box will usually display the descriptive text for the item,
not its key. Very simple, obvious lookup values may not require any
description. I may also include some other fields in the SELECT
statement, to appear in the combo box's list, if I think there'll be a
use for them. I'll set the other properties of the combo box
When creating a report of this table, I'll base the report on a query
that joins the two tables and includes the specific fields I want to see
on the report. I don't need to use combo boxes on reports.