Harald Staff <mailto:
[email protected]> leverde op 30 jun 2004 een
briljante bijdrage in <Klik op deze link
om het bericht in zijn oorspronkelijke context te lezen:
Unless someone managed to fill a depressed MS employed Excel
programmer with tequila (... hmm, how hard could that be ?
, this
would be just unqualified guessing. Absolutely nothing is stated
anyhwere. One can of couse hope for the continuing lack of animated
gifs and blinking cell formats.
Let's rather reverse the question: Which imaginary new features would
make you folks pay -real money- for an upgrade ?
Best wishes Harald
You have raised an interesting question. I hope other people will also
share their thoughts.
What I *really* would like to see:
- remove the 256 column and 65K row limit
- Fix the date system: no more switching between system 1900 and 1904
- A lot of other things related to dates/times: support for historical
data in the past, like I would like to know on what weekday Columbus
discovered the West Indies (which would be a pre-Gregorian date)
- Also support for negative times, without switching to system 1904
- A correct weeknum function that calculates ISO weeknumbers. I don't
know but I can imagine there are other functions that are not ISO.
- A file format under a LGPL-compatible license, not the patented xml
extension they use now in 2003.
Some of these things can be programmed around using vba, but they should
have been standard features.
Amedee Van Gasse
Dit bericht is geplaatst in een nieuwsgroep. Post je evt antwoord of
vervolgvraag graag in dezelfde thread in de nieuwsgroep a.u.b.