Excel 2000 - Column labels for forms



Hello .. I am trying to set up a form for data entry which will use Column
labels as field names for data entry on a form. I used the "Label" option
on the forms tool bar with no success, I also tried just entering the field
name as the first entry in each column and that doesn't work either.

The error message states to use a text label at the top of each column, &
that is what I thought I did, but Excel doesn't like it. Tried the help
function in Excel with no success.

Any help would be much appreciated by this more or less newbie.



Yes that is what I am doing, and it gives a message asking about column
headings, which I have set up, but the headings apparently should be "text
labels" .. It would be nice not to have this message pop up each time .. I
am passing this form on for someone to use it as a data entry tool.


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