excel 2000 crash



Excel 2000 SP3 on a win2k sp4; excel seems to crash.
Excel.exe has generated an error. Location of document
doesn't seem to have an effect (on network or on local
box). Dr watson log error is below: Please help, thanks
very much.

Application exception occurred:
App: (pid=1560)
When: 5/10/2004 @ 10:19:26.239
Exception number: c0000005 (access violation)

*----> Task List <----*
0 Idle.exe
8 System.exe
140 SMSS.exe
164 CSRSS.exe
160 WINLOGON.exe
212 SERVICES.exe
224 LSASS.exe
392 SVCHOST.exe
436 SVCHOST.exe
488 spoolsv.exe
536 3CDMINIC.exe
548 AgentSrv.exe
656 FrameworkServic.exe
820 nvsvc32.exe
844 regsvc.exe
860 mstask.exe
916 SVCHOST.exe
960 naPrdMgr.exe
1200 ssonsvr.exe
676 explorer.exe
1320 nwtray.exe
1364 UpdaterUI.exe
1372 AcroTray.exe
1396 WINTRV.exe
1412 CBSysTray.exe
1432 HOTSYNC.exe
288 OUTLOOK.exe
1244 MAPISP32.exe
284 COBackup.exe
1904 AGENTL~1.exe
1560 EXCEL.exe
552 Avsynmgr.exe
576 VSStat.exe
1816 vshwin32.exe
1176 Mcshield.exe
964 WebScanX.exe
760 Avconsol.exe
1864 Blp.exe
616 bbcomm.exe
464 DRWTSN32.exe
0 _Total.exe

State Dump for Thread Id 0x780

eax=00740db8 ebx=00000006 ecx=00000000 edx=0012fbb8
esi=30d6c508 edi=00000018
eip=30b721f8 esp=0012fc14 ebp=0012fc74 iopl=0 nv
up ei pl nz na pe nc
cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=0038
gs=0000 efl=00200202

function: CFolder::GetCFileWz
30b721d9 8b45f4 mov eax,
[ebp+0xf4] ss:00ba9b5a=????????
30b721dc 83c008 add eax,0x8
30b721df 50 push eax
30b721e0 e88b8bdbff call
CVolume::VoltypGet+0x99 (3092ad70)
30b721e5 85c0 test eax,eax
30b721e7 7409 jz
MsoExecuteQuery+0x393 (30b7a4f2)
30b721e9 83f801 cmp eax,0x1
30b721ec 0f8556ffffff jne
CFolder::GetCFileWz+0x99a (30b72148)
30b721f2 8b4604 mov eax,
[esi+0x4] ds:317e63ee=????????
30b721f5 8b0c38 mov ecx,
[eax+edi] ds:00000018=????????
FAULT ->30b721f8 8b01 mov eax,
[ecx] ds:00000000=????????
30b721fa ff5008 call dword ptr
[eax+0x8] ds:011bac9e=????????
30b721fd 8b4604 mov eax,
[esi+0x4] ds:317e63ee=????????
30b72200 83243800 and dword ptr
[eax+edi],0x0 ds:00000018=????????
30b72204 e93fffffff jmp
CFolder::GetCFileWz+0x99a (30b72148)
30b72209 55 push ebp
30b7220a 8bec mov ebp,esp
30b7220c 56 push esi
30b7220d 8bf1 mov esi,ecx
30b7220f 8b460c mov eax,
[esi+0xc] ds:317e63ee=????????
30b72212 3b4610 cmp eax,
[esi+0x10] ds:317e63ee=????????
30b72215 7541 jnz ArsAlert+0x290

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