George's question is legitimate.
I know that it is shared by others - including myself. Why did he not get
helpful answer? As I go through Microsoft forums I become discouraged. I
not be buying an expensive Microsoft product that is absent a useful
operations manual, comes without a reasonable amount of free technical,
is supported only by "smart" remarks on a useless forum.
There will not be any need for me to purchase any further Microsoft
products. Nor does my livelihood require me to developer programs or
applications any longer for Windows operating systems. I found
replacements for all things Microsoft.
I can not understand why Microsoft has tried so hard to drive customers
away. They have been successful in doing it. Such as strange marketing
JoAnn Paules said:
I'd bet money that that message didn't quite phrase it that way. Your
choice, if you aren't going to upgrade is to stick with compatible
JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
How to ask a question
George said:
I've tried to download several Excel 2000 templates and getting an
message telling me that Excel 2000 is old and I should upgrade.
Is there a way to download templates into Excel 2000