Excel 2000 VBA ActiveWorkbook.FullName


Dave Stanwick

Like millions of Excel 2000 users, we use a VBA macro to
insert the document pathname into the footer. This has
worked for months and months. Suddenly, this feature
stopped working and reports the VBA message:

Run-time error '50290':

Method 'FullName' of object '_Workbook' failed

The offending line of code highlighted in yellow is:
ws.PageSetup.LeftFooter = "&""arial""&08" &

We have found that by changing this line as follows:
ws.PageSetup.LeftFooter = "&""arial""&08" &
ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & ActiveWorkbook.Name

everything works fine again. However, we would rather not
go through all our workbooks and change the VBA.

Our IS/IT people always install the latest fixes from MS,
but there's no mention of effects to this VBA property.

Why would this property suddenly stop working?

We are using Excel 2000 Version 9.0.6926 SP-3.


Jim Rech

You're calling this macro from the BeforePrint event? If so I have the
exact same problem. Calling it normally there is no problem.

I'm running Excel 2000 SP3 with the November 2003 Security Patch (K830349)
installed. The only way you can tell if you have it installed is to run
Application.Build. This will return "8216" if this patch is present. SP3
by itself returns "6627".

I tried this code in the BeforePrint event on a coworker's machine which had
SP3 but no security patch. It was fine. So it may be that this patch
introduced a bug.

I'll pass this on the MS but I don't have a solution other than the one you

Dave Stanwick

Yes, I'm calling it from the Workbook_BeforePrint event.
And yes, Application.Build on my system returns 8216.

Thanks for your testing: as all of our systems have been
updated with the latest patches, there's no way to do the
comparison here. Thanks! And thanks for passing this
information along to MS!

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