Excel 2001 mac won't open

  • Thread starter Lesley-Ann Allardyce
  • Start date

Lesley-Ann Allardyce

I'm running excel 2001 in mac os 9.2. I have os 10.1.5 installed with
office vX running. I had trouble using office 98 in os 9 so I upgraded
to 2001. Word and powerpoint work properly but excel won't open. I get
the application name in the menubar but then it returns to the finder. I
don't get any kind of warning message at all. When I was running office
98, excel would work but word and powerpoint would not. They would
unexpectedly quit after the splash screen. I \ tried uninstalling and
reinstalling as well as removing all ms office and ecxel prefs in the os
9 system folder.

Any suggestions are much appreciated

J.E. McGimpsey

Lesley-Ann Allardyce said:
I'm running excel 2001 in mac os 9.2. I have os 10.1.5 installed with
office vX running. I had trouble using office 98 in os 9 so I upgraded
to 2001. Word and powerpoint work properly but excel won't open. I get
the application name in the menubar but then it returns to the finder. I
don't get any kind of warning message at all. When I was running office
98, excel would work but word and powerpoint would not. They would
unexpectedly quit after the splash screen. I \ tried uninstalling and
reinstalling as well as removing all ms office and ecxel prefs in the os
9 system folder.

When you uninstall, do it by downloading and running the Office
Remover applications from

Mactopia downloads:

Simply trashing the application folder, or even the prefs, is
unlikely to work, as is running Office Remover from the install CDs
(they're out of date).

Next, reinstall Office, applying the updates found at the above URL.
Make sure you've allocated enough memory (with the application
closed, choose File/Get Info/Memory and increase the Preferred
setting (leave Minimum alone): I use 64 MB for Word and XL and 32 MB
for Powerpoint, but those are pretty generous. Rebuild your desktop.

You may find these MSKB articles helpful:


If those don't fix it, post back

Jonathan Jacobs

I have a similar issue, but I found a workaround. here's what a posted
to another thread in this forum. Below are copies of my two previous
posts... The FIRST POST has what i tried, but no solution. My SECOND
POST has a solution (really a workaround) that may suffice until
Microsoft fixes this bug.

ciao. -- JJ



I am suddenly having this problem as well. I can open Word X and
Entourage X, but not Powerpoint and Excel. I was working on a
spreadsheet in Excel this morning. Then, after closing it and
reopening it, Excel crashes with a Kernel exception (written to the
crash log). Here are the steps I have tried to follow to resolve this,
each with no effect:

1) rebooted my mac.
2) deleted all my plist files for ALL office products (including the
directory itself under /usr/name/library/preferences/microsoft).
3) followed recommendations in the microsoft KBase article #Q313535
and removed 13 duplicate fonts in my user font directory. rebooted.
4) downloaded FontDoctor X DEMO, it found no currupted fonts.
5) Ran "sudo fsck_hfs -f /dev/disk0s9" no problem, partition was "OK".
rebooted anyway.
6) ran "diskutil repairPermissions /", bunch of permissions fixed.

Still nothing. No effect. Excel simply will not run anymore. I get a
splash screen and then --> crash. Here are my system specs:

Dual G4 1.4 Ghz 2GB RAM 120GB HD running OSX 10.2.6. And, for those of
you who are wondering, Norton Utilities or Antivirus is _not_
installed. (This is unix, we don't need that kind of trouble around

I'll post this over on the Apple boards as well. And... after I
reinstall OFFICE X and the service patch, I'll let you know if I can
get Excel running again.

ciao -- Jonathan.


Excel & Power Point were unexpectedly quitting whenever I tried to
launch them. I made several attempts to fix the problem (see previous
post for details), but it was to no avail... nothing i did seemed to
work. I was about to try a complete system reinstall until I found a
workaround by accident...

In my case, Word X and Entourage still lauched fine. So.. if you have
the same problems with Excel and/or Powerpoint then you might want to
try this...

Launch Word X. if the Project Gallery doesn't open then click the
menu item File --> Project Gallery. In the Project Gallery, under
"Blank Documents", choose "Excel Workbook" (you may have to scroll up)
and click "OK". For me, Excel opens fine this way, but if I simply
double-click the Excel icon in the Finder it crashes. This workaround
fixed a similar problem with Powerpoint.

Hope that helps for any MS developers trying to fix this bug.

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