Excel 2002 - Color Palette problem.



Hello all and thanks in advance for your input,

I am having a trouble with a user on my network experiencing a color palette

If two workbooks are opened in the same instance of Excel, one with a custom
color palette and the other with default, the workbook with the default color
palette inherits the custom color palette. I can duplicate it as many times
as I want on the "afflicted" computer, but can't duplicate it on my machine -
even with the same files. Both machines have the same version of Excel (2002

I've read a handful of other posts of users with the same problem but
haven't found any solution.

FYI, these workbooks contain no VBA (no modules and blank form modules). I
was logged in as the owner of the machine when I tested this on his machine.

I hope there's a solution out there!


pogiman via OfficeKB.com

Does this always happen or only when the workbook with the custom color
palette is opened first? I experienced the same inheritance but on
manual/automatic calculation.


This happens when any workbook with a custom palette is open. What do you
mean on manual automatic calculations?

pogiman via OfficeKB.com

In large workbooks that I use, everytime I enter a value or text that is used
by a formula, it takes a while to finish processing so I set the calculation

If that workbook was opened first, the next workbook/s that I will open will
be automatically set to manual calculation (though it is originally set to
automatic calculation).

Try opening the workbook with the default color palette followed by the
workbook with the custom color palette and see what happens.
This happens when any workbook with a custom palette is open. What do you
mean on manual automatic calculations?
Does this always happen or only when the workbook with the custom color
palette is opened first? I experienced the same inheritance but on
[quoted text clipped - 21 lines]

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