Excel 2002: Inconsistent color shadings and font colors at new win


Mr. Low

Dear Sir,

Thank you for the color shading feature of Excel 2002 that help to get
things done faster with minimum error.

At present I am using Excel 2002 with Office 2007 Compatibility Pack for
daily office work.

This software runs on Window 2000 Server -Terminal Services Client OS.

I found out that this program is not performing to my expectation recently
when a new window is open for the same file.

The color template for the font and background in the new window follows the
default and not the customized setting in the original window,

As a result of this, the user could not view pages in good style and thus
slow down the work.

I am not certain if this is caused by a bug the Excel 2002 or the Window
2000 Server OS.

I would appreciate very much , if MS could help me to check on this. If it
is due to a bug, kindly prepare a patching update for me as I need to work on
multiple windows frequently.




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