Excel 2002 - Pivot Table : Can I divide instead of sum ?


Mr. Low

Dear Sir,

I have constructed a Pivot Table by the default setting using the
following raw data :

Pivot Table

Sum of Amount Column Labels
Row Labels Fuel Mileage Grand Total
AA236 15000 31500 46500
BB124 17500 39800 57300
BP147 16000 37000 53000
BX411 8500 21000 29500
LK858 40600 12500 53100
NN217 17500 43000 60500
PP633 28500 32000 60500
TX441 18500 39300 57800
YR654 20000 47000 67000
G. Total 182100 303100 485200

Raw Data

Fuel/Mileage Truck Amount
Fuel (Litre) AA236 1000.00
Mileage (Km) AA236 2000
Fuel (Litre) AA236 3000
Mileage (Km) AA236 6000
Fuel (Litre) AA236 6000
Mileage (Km) AA236 12500
Fuel (Litre) AA236 5000
Mileage (Km) AA236 11000
Fuel (Litre) BB124 4500
Mileage (Km) BB124 9800
Fuel (Litre) BB124 3500
Mileage (Km) BB124 8000
Fuel (Litre) BB124 4500
Mileage (Km) BB124 10000
Fuel (Litre) BB124 5000
Mileage (Km) BB124 12000
Fuel (Litre) BX411 3000
Mileage (Km) BX411 7000 ..........

Column D of the Pivot Table was intended for getting the fuel consumption
of each truck i.e. Mileage / Fuel (Litre)

or Column C divide by Column B.

Is there anyway to set the pivot table to calculate this automatically at
column D ?



Roger Govier


From the PT toolbar dropdown, select Formulas>Calculated Field>Name
In the Fields Pane, highlight Mileage and press Insert, then enter a /
after the filed name then highlight Fuel and press Insert.

In the formula bar you should see something like
='Mileage ' / 'Fuel '
Click OK

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