Excel 2003 - Create Copy of Worksheet not working




I am trying to copy a worksheet into a new workbook by right clicking
on the worksheet tab, selecting 'Move or Copy...', then setting 'To
book:' to (new book) and checking off 'Create a copy'. After Clicking
ok, the task bar looks like it flashes a new workbook for less than
have a second and nothing happens. (no error message is displayed)

More information on this particular problem:
- I'm working in Excel 2003
- This workbook is not protected or shared
- This workbook has macros, but I've tried this operation with the
macros enabled and disabled
- This workbook is located on a network drive. When copying the
workbook to another folder on the same drive, the copying of a
worksheet still does not work. When copying the workbook to another
network drive (or local drive), the copy works.

I've searched through this group and have come across people having
the same issue all the way back to 2000, but there doesn't seem to
have been any resolution to the issue. Other posts include:

If you have any ideas to why this is happening, please let me know. I
appreciate any feedback.


- Chris

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