Excel 2003 formula



Please give the formula for: If a cell in a row in column G,K, and
has data entered, then the corresponding cell in that row in Column
will highlight


Henzoo;1611400 said:
Please give the formula for: If a cell in a row in column G,K, and
has data entered, then the corresponding cell in that row in Column
will highlight.

Hi *Henzoo*, Good Afternoon.

Try to use *Conditional Format*

a) Select all Column A
b) At a Conditional Format Menu

Rule: Use formula--> =E(G1<>"",K1<>"",L1<>"")
Choose some color. e.g. BLUE

Now try to fill any combination of G,K,L cells to observe what happen a
an A cell corresponding.

Tell us if it worked for you.

Have a nice day

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