Excel 2003 formulas



I have been having trouble with my excel. I have a mailing list I am creating
and sending out. It involves a couple of different tabs with one of the tabs
being a masterlist with all of the information and a couple of other lists
that have information separated by counties. I am sending out the list to
people so they can update their info by county. I have it setup to where they
can update their county in their tab and the information would automatically
update in the master list but I cant figure out a way to be able to update
the masterlist so that the same information updates in the county tab. I have
just created a one way formula when I need for it to work both ways. Any help
would be appreciated. Thanks


I get a circular reference when I try to mirror one sheet to another,
going both ways (when I enter =(sheet2!a1) in cell a1 in sheet1, and
=(sheet1!a1) in cell a1 of sheet2). And if you allow the circular reference,
it still is a problem because if you enter a value in either cell, you lose
the formula, so there goes the mirroring.
So I would say you will have to settle for 1 way updating, unless
someone else knows a way around this problem?

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