I formatted the cell to DATE (mm/dd/yy) but everytime I key in 042909, Excel
changes the date that I entered to something like 09/15/2017. It should be
04/29/09 but it displays different date all the time. How can I fix it? I
tried to highlight the cell then >right click the highlighted area >format
cells >click on 'date' in the menu then I choose the format mm/dd/yy BUT it
does not work. It only works if I personally type in the slashes between
month, day and year. I want Excel to enter the slashes automatically for me
just like it does the dashes for social security number. No matter what date
format I selected, the date changes everytime after I go to the next cell
unless I key in the slashes. Any help is greatly appreciated.
changes the date that I entered to something like 09/15/2017. It should be
04/29/09 but it displays different date all the time. How can I fix it? I
tried to highlight the cell then >right click the highlighted area >format
cells >click on 'date' in the menu then I choose the format mm/dd/yy BUT it
does not work. It only works if I personally type in the slashes between
month, day and year. I want Excel to enter the slashes automatically for me
just like it does the dashes for social security number. No matter what date
format I selected, the date changes everytime after I go to the next cell
unless I key in the slashes. Any help is greatly appreciated.