J.Moore wrote on 2009-04-16 13:21:
You're using Excel 2003, which is a Windows version. This is a forum for
Excel on Mac. See
http://www.microsoft.com/office/community/en-us/FlyoutOverview.mspx to find
out the proper forum, or in a mail or newsreader program filter the
Microsoft News Servers by Excel.
Now for your question. After you enter a cell reference (by typing it or
clicking on a cell) in a formula, press F4 repeatedly and the reference
model will change successively between C8, $C8, C$8, $C$8, (the order may be
different, I don't remember by heart). Read in Help about the difference
between absolute and relative addressing, which will explain the meaning of
the $ sign.
I'd even suggest that those standards cells be given a name, which will make
formulas using them more obvious to understand. For example, you could name
a cell SalesTax, so any formula using it would show SalesTax instead of D45
(or whatever). To define a name, select a cell or a range of cells, click in
the address box of the formula bar, and type the desired name followed by
Mac OS X 10.4.11
Office v.X 10.1.9, Office 2008 trial