Excel 2003 - multiple windows?



There doesn't seem to be an Office 2003 group, I hope you can help, this
is driving me mad!

I want to open two different spreadsheets in two different instances of
Excel, so I can compare them side by side without switching. Excel XP
was OK, but Excel 2003 won't let me, so at the moment I've got one
spreadsheet running on a different PC!

I've seen a similar question asked many times, but the answer to use:

Tools | Options | View Tab | Show| Windows in Taskbar

does *not* fix the problem, this just lets you switch windows on the
Taskbar; I want two separate windows like in XP.

Peo Sjoblom

Open both workbooks and do windows>arrange and select the way you want to
arrange the windows.

Ken Wright

And not only that, but if you are using 2003 then you should also see the
'Window / Compare Side by Side' option.


Open both workbooks and do windows>arrange and select the way you want to
arrange the windows.

Still doesn't work I'm afraid, this is still a single window.

I want one window on each of two monitors.

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