I have named ranges for CustID, CustType, Tons, and NetSales, sorted
alphabetically by CustID. I need to find "PerTon" for each customer
(the sum of NetSales divided by the sum of Tons). I need an array
formula that gives me the answer to: lf Y2 = CustID And X2 = CustType,
Sum(NetSales)/Sum(Tons). For the data below, the PerTon for customer
AOZ should be $30.97, but I can't come up with an array formula that
gives me the correct answer. I've been working on this for 2 days now,
unsuccessfully. Please, I'd appreciate any help I can get.
A B C D X2 Y2
CustID CustType Tons NetSales CustID CustType
1 AOZ BOX 500 25,000.00 AOZ Box
2 AOZ BOX 998 30,000.00 AUZ Box
3 AOZ BOX 850 22,000.00 ASZ TRADE
4 AOZ BOX 655 16,000.00 BMZ EXPORT
5 AUZ TRADE 42 14,845.00
6 ASZ EXPORT 61 20,293.00
alphabetically by CustID. I need to find "PerTon" for each customer
(the sum of NetSales divided by the sum of Tons). I need an array
formula that gives me the answer to: lf Y2 = CustID And X2 = CustType,
Sum(NetSales)/Sum(Tons). For the data below, the PerTon for customer
AOZ should be $30.97, but I can't come up with an array formula that
gives me the correct answer. I've been working on this for 2 days now,
unsuccessfully. Please, I'd appreciate any help I can get.
A B C D X2 Y2
CustID CustType Tons NetSales CustID CustType
1 AOZ BOX 500 25,000.00 AOZ Box
2 AOZ BOX 998 30,000.00 AUZ Box
3 AOZ BOX 850 22,000.00 ASZ TRADE
4 AOZ BOX 655 16,000.00 BMZ EXPORT
5 AUZ TRADE 42 14,845.00
6 ASZ EXPORT 61 20,293.00