Excel 2003 Pivot Table Anomoly


Trevor Aiston

I have a workbook in Excel 2003 which has a worksheet contain <100 records of
patient diagnosis.

When I do a pivot table to do a ‘count’ of diagnosis it returns the count of
diagnosis but bizarrely adds a 2 to the end of some diagnosis labels.
Count of BPD
BPD Total
Acute Polymorphic Psychotic Disorder 1
Acute Psychosis 3
Acute Psychotic Episode 2
Alcohol Dependence 3
Alzheimer's Disease2 1
Anorexia Nervosa 1
Bipolar Effective Disorder 5
Chronic Alcohol Dependence 1
Dementia/Schizophrenia 1
Dementia2 1
Depression 2
Drug induced psychosis 1
Emotionally Unstable PD 2
Generalised Anxiety Disorder 1
Hebephrenic Schizophrenia2 1
Heroin Dependence2 1
Mania 1
Mixed Dementia 1
Mixed Vascular Dementia 1
Paranoid Personality Disorder 1
Paranoid Psychosis2 2
Paranoid Schizophrenia2 5
PD 1
Recurrent Depressive Disorder 2
Schizoid Affective Disorder 3
Schizophrenia 8
Severe Depression 3
Vascular Dementia 5
Grand Total 61

Yet exactly the same data from another column is labelled ok..

Any idea why this should be.



Dave Peterson

I'd look for duplicate headers in your raw data.

Trevor said:
I have a workbook in Excel 2003 which has a worksheet contain <100 records of
patient diagnosis.

When I do a pivot table to do a ‘count’ of diagnosis it returns the count of
diagnosis but bizarrely adds a 2 to the end of some diagnosis labels.
Count of BPD
BPD Total
Acute Polymorphic Psychotic Disorder 1
Acute Psychosis 3
Acute Psychotic Episode 2
Alcohol Dependence 3
Alzheimer's Disease2 1
Anorexia Nervosa 1
Bipolar Effective Disorder 5
Chronic Alcohol Dependence 1
Dementia/Schizophrenia 1
Dementia2 1
Depression 2
Drug induced psychosis 1
Emotionally Unstable PD 2
Generalised Anxiety Disorder 1
Hebephrenic Schizophrenia2 1
Heroin Dependence2 1
Mania 1
Mixed Dementia 1
Mixed Vascular Dementia 1
Paranoid Personality Disorder 1
Paranoid Psychosis2 2
Paranoid Schizophrenia2 5
PD 1
Recurrent Depressive Disorder 2
Schizoid Affective Disorder 3
Schizophrenia 8
Severe Depression 3
Vascular Dementia 5
Grand Total 61

Yet exactly the same data from another column is labelled ok..

Any idea why this should be.




Maybe these ones are groups of items names. Right click on one of those
cells and click upon "ungroup".

Trevor Aiston

Thanks dave but no dulicate colum headers.

The colums containing the data are headed
6 ProvDiag
7 EstDiag
Each pivot table only counts one column of data


Then, there is a possibility that the items have been modified
Can you rebuild the pivot table ?