Excel 2003 SP3 terminates with an error when Closing


Dirk Behnke

When I close Excel while a spreadsheet is open either by Exit of by
Windows close button I receive an error (you know this nice window with
"Microsoft Office Excel has encountered a problem and needs to close. ..."

I have use repair for the installation with no change

Regards, Dirk


Try removing Excel's registry entries:


Instructions about 1/3 of the way down the page.

- Instructions relate to version 11 (XL2003). To find your version, in
Excel, click Help, About. The resulting window will include full version
number of Excel in brackets. For example, my Excel 2003 shows 11.8302.8221.
The first two digits (11) are the version.


- Take heed of the warning on the jkp-ads site about tampering with the
registry. Triple-check you remove the correct tree of keys (and only the
correct key). For example, when doing this for versi0n 11.0, leave Excel
12.0 entries intact.
- Make sure you back up before you do this. Erunt by Lars Hederer is a great
(free) program to backup and restore your registry:

Take care and good luck,


Try removing Excel's registry entries:


Instructions about 1/3 of the way down the page.

- Instructions relate to version 11 (XL2003). To find your version, in
Excel, click Help, About. The resulting window will include full version
number of Excel in brackets. For example, my Excel 2003 shows 11.8302.8221.
The first two digits (11) are the version.


- Take heed of the warning on the jkp-ads site about tampering with the
registry. Triple-check you remove the correct tree of keys (and only the
correct key). For example, when doing this for versi0n 11.0, leave Excel
12.0 entries intact.
- Make sure you back up before you do this. Erunt by Lars Hederer is a great
(free) program to backup and restore your registry:http://www.larshederer.homepage.t-online.de/erunt/

Take care and good luck,

Hi !

I have solve the problem with "filemon". In fact, i have seen that the
file xllex.dll was missing ... Just download on the Internet the DLL
and put it in the system32 folder and now all is ok...

Hope it will help somebody...

Regards, Tioumen

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