Excel 2003 - template opening issue - very weird



We use templates for estimating and have many of them. When opening a new
template (File, New, Template on my computer) several copies of same form
appear multiple times. For Example - Residential Elevator Estimating Form -
this same template will apear 15 times. When I look in the actual template
folder housing these documents, there is only one copy. This happens on
every PC on our network. This just started happening so there is a recent
event that caused the problem. We have been running office 2003 for some
time now. Any thoughts?

Bill Manville

Are you seeing 15 different workbooks or 15 windows on the same

To see the difference, go to the Window menu and see if the windows all
have the same filename with :1, :2 etc after the filename.
If so you have 15 windows on the same workbook (these would have been
created by Window > New Window). To close the excess windows click on
the little X at the right-hand end of the menu bar (assuming the
workbook is maximised within the Excel window). Then save the template
when it only has one window open and the problem should be solved.

If you have 15 different workbooks I have no idea why this would
happen. If that is the case, come back and say what you see on the
Window menu.

Bill Manville
MVP - Microsoft Excel, Oxford, England


Hi Bill,

I have 15 workbooks. Each of them identical. I did a print screen snap
shot of the issue but can't do an attachement. Can send it via email.

Bill Manville

OK. Email to Bill underscore Manville at compuserve dot com

Bill Manville
MVP - Microsoft Excel, Oxford, England

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