Excel 2003 to 2007 VBA Change



I was testing some Excel 2003 spreadsheets with Visual Basic programming, and
found one that does not work in Excel 2007.

The code below gives a Type Mismatch error on the .MinimumScale = startmonth
and the line afterward. It looks like in Excel 2007, you cannot use a string
this way with the MinimumScale command.

Startmonth and Stopmonth are dates from the beginning and the end of a month
that are determined by a routine that goes through a list of dates until it
finds these values. startmonth and stopmonth would have values like 01/01
and 01/31. This section of programming sets up the x axis of the graph using
startmonth and stopmonth as the x axis min and max.

I am way out of practice with Visual Basic programming, so any help would be
greatly appreciated.

With ActiveChart.Axes(xlCategory)
.MinimumScaleIsAuto = False
.MaximumScaleIsAuto = False
.MinimumScale = startmonth
.MaximumScale = endmonth

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