Excel 2003 Workbooks with macros (.xls) converted to Excel 2007


Barb Reinhardt

I don't have 2007 installed anywhere, but we're having problems with
workbooks that I modified in Excel 2003 to include a lot of macros. Now
(5-6 months after release), I'm being told by some users that the workbooks
have no macros. One was sent to me and all of the worksheet code names had
been removed as well. Can someone tell me what happens if an Excel 2003
workbook with macros and modified worksheet codenames is saved as an Excel
2007 .xlsx file and then reopened in Excel 2003 (if it's possible). I'm
wondering if that's what's been happening with these files. I don't believe
that 2007 has been deployed enterprise wide, but I'm beginning to wonder if
some have it already.

Barb Reinhardt

Ron de Bruin

Hi Barb

If you save the file as xlsx in 2007 all the code is gone
Save the file as xlsm or xlsb in 2007

Barb Reinhardt


Are all the worksheet codenames gone as well? I have a feeling I'm going to
show up at work on Tuesday with a mailbox full of a bunch of workbooks that
have no code. I'd like to know what might have casued it so I have a plan
of action BEFORE I arrive.

Barb Reinhardt

Ron de Bruin

Hi Barb

The code names are the same after you save the xls to xlsx

If the user save your workbook as xlsx there will be a warning that it is not possible
to save in that format and keep the vbproject.
The suggestion is to save as xlsm in the warning

Barb Reinhardt

I've changed the code names from Sheet1, Sheet2, etc. to something else. Did
you check that?

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