Excel 2004: Bug when manipulating formulas with references to multiple sheets



There is a bug (I believe) in Excel Mac 2004 (v11 040329). Any info on this
or work-around? This is annoying for me because I want to rip my delete
key out to make it stop happening.

When you enter a formula in a cell using = for instance, switch to a different
sheet and choose a cell, then click another sheet to switch back, Excel will
enter a formula like "=!Sheet1!E1/!Ratios!". Now, say you want to click
delete to manually change the formula to remove !Ratios!.. Excel will error
and close itself and then go autorecover the spreadsheet. It sends a report
to Microsoft. My install is on a PBG4 1.25ghz process, 1gb ram, 10.3.5,
with 1000 itierations set on calculating.

Bernard Rey

bpresnell wrote :
When you enter a formula in a cell using = for instance, switch to a different
sheet and choose a cell, then click another sheet to switch back, Excel will
enter a formula like "=!Sheet1!E1/!Ratios!". Now, say you want to click
delete to manually change the formula to remove !Ratios!.. Excel will error
and close itself and then go autorecover the spreadsheet. It sends a report
to Microsoft. My install is on a PBG4 1.25ghz process, 1gb ram, 10.3.5,
with 1000 itierations set on calculating.

I can't see this happen in my case. I tried to follow your steps:
- in a previously saved Workbook (but it's the same with a fresh new one) i
entered the "=" to start the formula.
- I then switched to Sheet2, the formula bar showed:
- I clicked ont he Sheet1 tab, the formula bar showed:
-I selected the unwanted text and could delete it without any crash or so. I
could delete it from within the cell, or within the formula bar or even
directly with the delete key without any selection.

The additional text in the formula presumably is a bug, but Excel didn't
crash. I'm running the French version, but I don't think this matters.

Maybe you should try logging in Mac OS X under a new identity and see if it
still happens. If it doesn't, you could try and trash the Preferences. If it
does, try uninstalling/reinstalling Office...

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