JE said:
Who at Microsoft told you this? I'm not disputing it, but MS is a large
The short answer is a "Microsoft Escalation Coordinator for Excel" (I
don't know if it's PC to post a name, but I do have a name and contact
info). I was directed to him when I called the 800 number with
questions about VBE/Excel 2004. He signs his emails as an "MCSD,
MSDBA". He tries hard, but he's not a mac guy at all (and freely admits
this). He's been getting mac advice from other staff there. It's
difficult to find support for 2004. Call the 800# and they say all free
support is on the website. Last I looked, all the stuff that's there is
for X and below, and as any subscriber to this newsgroup knows, clearly
things are quite different in 2004!
The longer story is that I've been able to consistently reproduce this
problem on four machines. The last thing they told me was that they
can't reproduce it on a "clean machine", and therefore can't list it as
a bug. They've defined a clean machine as one that only contains Office
2004; no prior versions. Then they told me that it's not recommended to
have more than one version of Office installed; do so "at your own
risk". Finally, they recommended that I perform a clean install of the
OS, as "something there must be interfering with 2004". I think that's
a bit extreme. Funny how nothing's interfering with 98 or X. Don't the
MS support people run multiple versions of Office?
I've been running Office X and Office 2004 together for a long time
without seeing any problems, but I'm also fairly careful in cleaning out
preferences and plist files.
Both MS and I have tried that but it doesn't seem to help (at least, not
on a "dirty" machine

. They've admitted to a problem with the
Analysis Toolpak: it loads itself, and if you then check it off via
Tools: Addins, it loads a second time and "deactivates" other addins
(although they'll stay checked off in the Addins dialog). However, this
isn't the cause. You can drag the AT folder to your desktop so it won't
load itself. Then activate any three addins, and quit Excel. When you
log back in, they're checked off in Tools: Addins, but they're not
actually loaded (you can see that in the VBE). I'd be curious as to
whether or not you've seen this problem.
The workaround seems to be to put the addins in the Startup folder (this
even "fixes" the Analysis Toolpak problem). A co-worker of mine came up
with this solution.
Thanks for listening to me ramble!