Excel 2007 Adding Template Sheets and Invalid Name Error (#NAME?)



I have a workbook (.xlsm) that gets built by adding in template sheets
(.xltx). There are numerous template sheets that can be added depending on
the needs of the workbook. Each template sheet refers to values found on the
the Master sheet by named ranges. The values on the Master sheet are unique
by workbook, therefore the template sheets cannot be linked to the Master
template sheet. The formulas on the template sheets use workbook level named
ranges to refer to the values on the Master sheet. The ranges on the Master
sheet are defined as workbook level named ranges. When I do a Sheet.Add
Type:=<path> the template sheet is added to the workbook, however, all the
named ranges that refer to the Master sheet show an Invalid Name Error
(#NAME?). If I click on a cell with an Invalid Name error and then click in
the formula bar and then click on any cell in the workbook, Excel resolves
the invalid name. Nothing is changed, just 3 mouse clicks.
Any idea why Excel can't resolve the names when the sheet is added?

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