Excel 2007 and over used installation key


Bob Flanagan

Just had an interesting problem with a customer. He reported that a macro
wouldn't run. When I debugged, I found that a macro statement that counts
the columns in the used range was returning an overflow error. And another
statement that counted the rows in the used range also reported an overflow
error. The used range was small, A1:V195. I suggested he upgrade his copy
to insure he had the latest updates. He tried. However his installation
key, which came from a friend, would not allow him to upgraded - the key was
"over used".

It appears that when an installation key is over used that Microsoft is
turning off some of the features in VBA. I didn't see what message he got
when he started Excel, so I don't know if he got any warnings. Obviously he
didn't get any that made him think Excel and addins wouldn't work.

Bob Flanagan
Macro Systems
Productivity add-ins and downloadable books on VB macros for Excel

Jim Rech

It appears that when an installation key is over used that Microsoft is
It is odd but that just doesn't seem very plausible to me. MS has never
been reluctant to get in your face if it thinks your unlicensed, etc. I
think (hope) it's something else but I can't think of what it might be.

Bob Flanagan

Jim, I agree. I could not find any other cause however. I did find out that
the user did have the beta installed. However, I had the beta on my machine
and no problem when I put a legal copy of 2007 on it (I since decided to
reformat that machine when I put vista on it.)


Nick Hodge


Did the user uninstall the beta before installing RTM? Bear in mind the
beta is time limited with a *maximum* deadline of End of March

Nick Hodge
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Southampton, England
(e-mail address removed)

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