Excel 2007 Auto Filter Default Select All


James Sender

I have upgraded from Excel 2003 to Excel 2007 and have a question about the
AutoFilter function. In 2003, when you filtered a column, you would choose
from the drop down menu which criteria you want to filter by or if you wanted
to Select All. In 2007, Select All is checked by default. Is there any way to
turn the Select All by default off? Its annoying when I have to filter
several columns to have to deselect it for every one first.

Excel Nut

You don't need to unselect every item in the list. Uncheck Select All
and all items will be unselected. Then select just the items you need.

Francis Hayes (The Excel Addict)

Peo Sjoblom

I believe the OP meant all columns that are filtered not all items



Peo Sjoblom


Peo Sjoblom wrote on 11/25/2009 12:47 ET
I believe the OP meant all columns that are filtered not all item


Peo Sjoblo

"Excel Nut" wrote in messag
I have exactly the same problem. Yes, it is clear that you can uncheck selec
all, but I am looking to have everything unselected by default, without havin
to do that. Any help would be appreciated./

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