Excel 2007: Can it SUMIF( ) using color as a condition ?


Mr. Low


I understand that Excel 2007 can sort by colors. It is a great feature indeed.

May I know if =SUMIF( ) could use a color as the condition to sum up color
shaded cells or cells with certain font color?



מיכ×ל (מיקי) ×בידן

If I understood you correctly - you can type' into a Module, a small User
Defined Function - such as:
Function IntColor(Rng As Range)
IntColor = Rng.Interior.ColorIndex
End Function

Jacob Skaria

There is no built-in excel function to do this. But you can use a UDF that
looks at the range and returns the sum of color. But that function will not
recalculate if you change color. Every time you change the color you will
need to recalculate or wait excel to recalculate...

To install the UDF (User Defined function). From workbook launch VBE using
Alt+F11. From menu Insert a Module and paste the below function.Close and get
back to workbook and try the below formula.

A1:A10 is the range to be checked. B1 is a lookup cell coloured ..

'function to sum values within colorred cells
Function ColorSum(varRange As Range, varColor As Range) As Variant
Dim varTemp As Variant, cell As Range
ColorSum = 0
For Each cell In varRange
If cell.Interior.ColorIndex = varColor.Interior.ColorIndex Then
If IsNumeric(cell.Value) Then ColorSum = ColorSum + cell.Value
End If
End Function

'Function to count the colored cells (not colored through Conditional
Function ColorCount(varRange As Range, varColor As Range) As Variant
Dim varTemp As Variant, cell As Range
ColorCount = 0
For Each cell In varRange
If cell.Interior.ColorIndex = varColor.Interior.ColorIndex Then
ColorCount = ColorCount + 1
End If
End Function

Valy Greavu

You cannot do a native sumif by colors.
You must create a VBA function for that.

Take a look here:

Function SumCuloare(Culoare As Range, Casute As Range)

'Definirea variabilelor
Dim rrRange As Range
Dim sumColor As Long
Dim rrCasute As Range

'Definirea constantelor
sumColor = 0
Set rrCasute = Casute
vCuloare = Culoare.Font.Color

' Suma pe culori
For Each rrRange In rrCasute
If rrRange.Font.Color = vCuloare Then
sumColor = sumColor + rrRange.Cells.Value
End If
Next rrRange

' Returnare rezultat
SumCuloare = sumColor

End Function

You can see a sample on my blog:

Claude Ferron

This code does not work if your cells are colored by conditions (conditional formatting) Anyway to do the same but with these kid of cells?

Claude Ferron

The function works but...

With conditional formatting based colors, it sees the cells as it if had no colors at all :( Any ways to make this work with conditional formatting?

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