Excel 2007 - Can't open xls files from Explorer



Running on Windows XP, with Grisoft AVG as a virus scanner.

If I double click on a file in Explorer Excel comes up but not the selected

Excel starts, sez "Requesting Virus Scan" then "Ready" but no spreadsheet
comes up.

If Excel is already open the double clicking seems to work correctly, if I
click Excel Options then Cancel then the file also comes up but not otherwise.

I tried the /unregserver and /regserver stuff with no luck.

Any advice appreciated.



Running on Windows XP, with Grisoft AVG as a virus scanner.

If I double click on a file in Explorer Excel comes up but not the selected

Excel starts, sez "Requesting Virus Scan" then "Ready" but no spreadsheet
comes up.

If Excel is already open the double clicking seems to work correctly, if I
click Excel Options then Cancel then the file also comes up but not otherwise.

I tried the /unregserver and /regserver stuff with no luck.

Any advice appreciated.


Have a look at this - from Microsoft's knowledge base:

This problem may occur if the Ignore other applications setting in
Excel is selected.

Back to the top
To resolve this problem, follow these steps:
1. On the Tools menu, click Options.
2. Click the General tab.
3. Click to clear the Ignore other applications check box, and then
click OK.
After you do this, you should be able to open workbooks by double-
clicking them in Windows Explorer.




Yeah that option was already off. Notice that it does open correctly if Excel
is already open.

Thanks for the feedback.


Fails with file names with spaces and with no spaces.

But to re-iterate if Excel is already open it works fine.

Thanks for the feedback.


We found that unchecking "Ignore Other Applications..." helps, but not when
double-clicking an Excel file (old or new format) in Windows Explorer. We
have to click the minimize button which opens the file but doesn't minimize

We can drag and drop a file into Excel and it opens immediately. File/Open
opens a file immediately.


Curios, if there was ever a fix for this? If excel is open the file opens
fine. If you open it from windows explorer, you have to hit any button in
excel and it will then open the file.


Excel 2003 worked just fine. Excel 2007 is another story altogether. Double
clicking any Excel file icon starts Excel but without the loaded document. If
the minimize button is clicked, Excel minimizes for a second and then pops
back up to load the document. The maximize button will also open the file.

The "Ignore Other Applications" has been checked and unchecked in
combination with running "excel.exe /unregserver" and "excel.exe
/regserver". It makes no difference.

It's amazing that MS hasn't patched this or offer a manual registry fix
accessible from the Excel product home page. It's as if they forgot where all
their money came from; ignoring product problems isn't the keen marketing
strategy they seem to think it is, so I'm giving up and reinstalling Office
2003. Given the additional problems with Vista and its tepid reception, this
can't be good for MSFT share values either.


thanks for the fix it. still very frustrating, but saves you having to
re-open from explorer again.

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