Excel 2007 Chart creation



When I use the Ctrl key to select more than one range, not all of the ranges
"selected" are selected. It only selects one X axis range and one Y axis
range from several selected ranges. Do I need to activate something somewhere
to make it work right?

Bernard Liengme

There is nothing to activate - this is a Windows not an Excel feature.

In A1:A54 I have: x, 1,2,3,4
In B1:B5 I have: y, 5, 6, 7,8
In C there is junk I do not want to chart
In D1:D5 I have: z, 4,5,6,7
I select A1:B5 in the normal way. Then I hold down CTRL and, while it is
down, I drag the mouse over D1:D5
Now I have two ranges selected and can go on to make the chart

Try it and tell us if it works
best wishes

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