Excel 2007 Chart.Export Poor Quality



Since moving to 2007 the quality of charts exported as GIF files is markedly
worse. JPG and PNG files both suffer same qulaity degradation.

Does anyone know how to use Chart.export to produce a WMF or EMF file?

Does anyone know how to get back the qulaity of files exported under 2003 in

this is the line of code I have been using that does the exporting in 2003
and produces poor results under 2007.

TempChartObject.Chart.Export FileName:=FileSaveName, Filtername:="GIF"

Jon Peltier

This is a known problem which has been reported since beta testing. I
honestly don't know what to do to improve the quality of exported charts,
either image files or shape objects pasted into another program (e.g.,
PowerPoint). I don't use 2007 for real work.

- Jon

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