Excel 2007 Conditional Format with Formula



In previous versions of Excel I could copy a formatting to another cell and
the formula would move appropriately (as long as $ were removed from
reference) ie. >=A9 would change to >=A10 if copied down. In Excel 2007 I am
finding that this is not happening - the comparative cell is staying the same
no matter where I copy it. Is there a different way to accomplish this
without doing a conditional formatting for each individual cell?

Roger Govier

Hi Suzanne

Copying formatting does not do anything to formulae.
Copy and Paste
or Copy>Paste Special>Formula will change the formula as appropriate.
This is the same in all version of Excel.

Maybe it has changed the formula, but the result you are seeing is staying
the same because you happen to have calculation set to Manual.
Click on the Formula tab>Calculation section (far right)>Click Calculation
Options>Select Automatic.


I don't want to copy the formula in the cell - just the formula for
conditional formatting.


Not to worry - I figured it out for myself. for anyone else who may wish to
know: the formula portion of conditional formatting has changed from previous
versions. Now you actually have to refer to both cells involved - not just
the comparative cell. For example:

In previous versions if you were in cell k9 and wanted it formatted if it
equaled m9 you would just type "=m9"
Now you would have to type: "m9=k9"

Peo Sjoblom

It depends on what part you used, if you selected cell value equal to yes
but that is not using a formula, if you choose formula is then no, you need
to refer to both cells like



Peo Sjoblom

Roger Govier

Sorry Suzanne

Didn't read your question properly.
You have an answer from Peo.
Conditional Formatting works the same in 2007 as earlier versions.

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