Gary Nguyen
I'm looking for a way to disable Office Menu controls such as: New, Save,
SaveAs, etc on the fly. Whenever user opens an excel workbook into my
application, those controls under Office Menu are disable.
In office 2003, I could do something like this when user opens their
workbook in my application:
With objExcel.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar")
.Controls("&File").Controls("&New...").Enabled = False
.Controls("&File").Controls("&Open...").Enabled = False
.Controls("&File").Controls("&Close").Enabled = False
SaveAs, etc on the fly. Whenever user opens an excel workbook into my
application, those controls under Office Menu are disable.
In office 2003, I could do something like this when user opens their
workbook in my application:
With objExcel.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar")
.Controls("&File").Controls("&New...").Enabled = False
.Controls("&File").Controls("&Open...").Enabled = False
.Controls("&File").Controls("&Close").Enabled = False