Excel 2007 displays Locked by "another user", does not show User I



I have a workbook that is used by multiple users. When one user has the
sheet locked and someone else tries to open it they are only seeing that the
sheet is locked by "another user". I have checked the registry settings under
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Common \UserInfo and within Excel
and Word Options and the user information is there and correct.

Is there anyway to get the User Information to show so that users know who
has the sheet open for editing?

Jim Rech

It seems that Excel 2007 doesn't write the owning user's name in the
workbook, unlike earlier versions, so it's not available.

|I have a workbook that is used by multiple users. When one user has the
| sheet locked and someone else tries to open it they are only seeing that
| sheet is locked by "another user". I have checked the registry settings
| HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Common \UserInfo and within
| and Word Options and the user information is there and correct.
| Is there anyway to get the User Information to show so that users know who
| has the sheet open for editing?

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