We have a spreadsheet translated from an earlier version of Excel (I believe
2000) in which we use color coded text. We select text, select the Font
color button, it brings up the Color popup, we select a color...and instant
crash and hang. It requires a hard boot to clear the machine.
Currently the file is saved as .xlsx, running under Vista Ultimate. To our
knowledge everything is updated to current fixes. Any ideas what we can do
about this bug?
The only addins active are the Business Contact manager and the Google
toolbar. Any help is appreciated.
2000) in which we use color coded text. We select text, select the Font
color button, it brings up the Color popup, we select a color...and instant
crash and hang. It requires a hard boot to clear the machine.
Currently the file is saved as .xlsx, running under Vista Ultimate. To our
knowledge everything is updated to current fixes. Any ideas what we can do
about this bug?
The only addins active are the Business Contact manager and the Google
toolbar. Any help is appreciated.