Hi Bob,
Thanks for replying.
1.- I know there has not been a release date for Microsoft Office 2007, but
Office 2003 is not comparable to Mac Office 2004. I have had many issues
because my employees (managers) use pivot table functions that are not 100%
read by Mac. In the universe of the computers in my company there all only
two Apple's, the rest is Windows. So, I guess it was my mistake to try to
incorporate Apple's to the enterprise and still try to use administrative
software through VPC or any other software.
I don't think, at least that is my point of view, that VPC in an Apple G4 is
really that great. The investment required to be able to run windows on an
Apple computers is quite high. First, a relatively new MAC, second, memory,
third, software. In my humble opinion for that amount of cash one can
purchase a relatively nice entry PC. The other factor, is that by running
Virtual PC on a laptop and traveling it consumes more Processor power and in
the end more batteries are needed.
Again, I don't mean to bring an argument to the table. I love MACs, I think
they are great machines. I just think software makers should CONVERGE to
allow people with Apple's and PC's to run their software.
What has to be done, I don't know. I am no programmer, engineer,etc. I am
just a user looking for a features in both platforms. The environments Apple
and PC's both are great but each of them has their plus and minuses.
2.- Yes, I am kinda frustrated to see layers and layers of code to run
Windows or at least try to run Windows.
3.- I don't think VPC is that great for the middle entry guy, maybe a person
(different than me) would maxed out the memory in their MAC's to run
Windows. That's not me. I believe Speed, memory, processor speed, battery
life, are important factors to a mobile guy like me.
4.- In my PC world, I don't see a number of people trying to run Apple
software, I see it the other way around.
5.- I currently own Virtual PC, and I have a Powerbook G4 with 1.25 Memory
and trust me it runs slow. It is not INTEL so I am out of the question. This
means = new invesment.
6.- The one factor that annoys me the most is the differences in Microsoft
suite of applications for both platforms. Aside from that, I really annoys
me (all my friends have messenger and do video chat, audio chat, etc).
Years, have passed and there is not support for that in Apple. Ichat is
great but only between Macs.
Well, anyway, I didn't mean to make any flames by typing this. It is just
that it is annoying to see how delayed are software solutions for Apple
computers. We all know, they are great why not Expand.??????
Greetings Bob,
Hi Francisco -
I think your letting your frustrations carry you away
First of all Office 2007 release for the *PC* hasn't had a release date
announced as yet -there's only the Beta [read as: field testing version] -
so when and if anything comparable for the Mac will be released is open to
nothing but speculation, and that will probably be at least a year further
down the road.
Second, there is nothing from MS anyone has ever been able to point to that
"claims to be 100% compatible"... This is typically a misconception inferred
by the user. The files are compatible, but the program features are not
identical. I'm not defending MS, but nothing from them states otherwise. BTW
- there are features in the Mac versions that *aren't* in the PC versions,
as well. It's just that those aren't the ones you're focused on at the
Last, there are a number of far more reasonable options than "dumping" your
Mac & buying a PC. Depending on which Mac you have you can run Windows apps
on the Mac quite effectively using VPC on PPC Macs or Parallels/Boot Camp
etc. on Intel Macs... I've yet to see Mac software run effectively on a
Windows machine.
Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac
Anyone has an idea as to when Microsoft will make equivalent the microsoft
suite ( excel, etc )
There are features that don't work in excel for mac that do in excel for
windows. This is really discomforting. I am tqlking about pivot table
charting, etc. In some cases the syntax is different in windows-mac and it
doesn't allow me to work with the file properly.
Because of the differences in the syntaxis I have to re-program and
re-adjust my formula so that Apple Computers can read it.
It is really a pain to sell a product that one claims to be 100% compatible
and not be able to obtain the same results.
Any insight !???
Right now, I am in the process of dumping my mac (which I love) and buying a
pc to be able to have all the functionality of EXCEL 2003.