Excel 2007 hangs on any change to large range of data



Just started a new job - using 2007 for the first time -
Working with a 1.17MB file - subtotals take 2-3 minutes to complete, as does
deleting 5000 rows of data (filtering subtotal lines and deleting balance) -
I'm sure 2007 isn't supposed to be slower than 2003! Are there any settings I
might need to change to speed things up?

Robin P

Search this site (and others) for Excel 2007 performance....consensus seems
to be it is slower....just relaying what I've read. There are other benefits
but performance doesn't appear to be oneof htem at the current time.

robert morris

Keep using it. You will love it, all except it is slower, mostly in opening

Bob. M.


Just started a new job - using 2007 for the first time -
Working with a 1.17MB file - subtotals take 2-3 minutes to complete, as does
deleting 5000 rows of data (filtering subtotal lines and deleting balance) -
I'm sure 2007 isn't supposed to be slower than 2003! Are there any settings I
might need to change to speed things up?

I have exactly the same problem. I noticed that not only Excel hangs
when I delete thousands of cells, but Word will hang for exactly the
same duration as the Excel hang. After about a minute or so, both come
back to normal. I am using them on Vista.

If you found a solution, please share it!

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