Excel 2007 Images Resizing and Shifting Unwanted!!!


Ash Homar

Hi, if anyone can help I would really appreciate it,
basically everytime i import a series of images in to a document in excel
and save it, upon reopening the images have completely moved position and
size. this obviously means editing the document everytime i wish to use it
which obviously eats up a lot of time, the only way i have found to solve
this is to obviously resize and reposition ( and occasionaly) zooming in and
out will return the images to their original position and size.
I have been formatting these documents for quite a while now and haven't had
any problem with earlier versions of Excel and as I'm not doin it any
different to how I always have i can only assume that the fault lies with
Excel 2007.
If theres anybody who can help you would be saving me so much time !!!

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