I don't care for Bill Gates bashing or "M$" and all that either, but Peter
didn't do any of that. He just let out a primordial scream. Your points are
all valid, I just think you should have saved them for a poster who merited
As for XL2007 performance issues, MS is surely aware of them and I imagine
has all the example it needs. If not it can ask via Dave's blog as it did
for PivotTable examples in April.
| Hi Jim.
| Indeed many people have reported problems with 2007 - I reported a few
| I was beta testing Excel 2007.
| Here's my point though - why doesn't the poster describe what the problem
| is and give an example of this and maybe get in touch with David Gainer at
| Microsoft - you can contact him via his blog at
| Along with a lot of folks on this newsgroup I try and help people with
| problems - you can type my surname into the search facility and see that I
| answer a lot of questions about real time data such a s Bloomberg and
| and using this with Excel.
| Do folks think Bill Gates will read a newsgroup posting and then say "Stop
| everything - here's an unspecified performance issue with something to do
| with Excel 2007". No, but if you actually engage with Microsoft in a
| sensible way - list the problem and so on, you will find that they will
| usually respond.
| I don't work for Microsoft and I often criticise them but do so in a
| that says "here's a specific problem, here's why it's a problem and here's
| few ideas about this" and you know what - Microsoft do listen. They have
| what - 500 million users (maybe more - I don't know) so they cannot simply
| drop everything and respond to every unstructured complaint.
| Raise the issue in a sensible way, show that you have researched it and
| be part of the solution, not sitting on the touchline complaining.
| --
| "Jim Rech" wrote:
| > It's probably not the code, John. Many people have reported performance
| > degradation in Excel 2007, from moderate to severe. And I don't see a
| > in Peter's post. I think customers have a right to be _very_
| > and express it.
| >
| > --
| > Jim
| > | > | Hi Peter,
| > |
| > | If you'd like some assistance from folks on here then why not post
| > code
| > | and describe the problem, perhaps indicating what you have tried
| > | Alternatively, just post a one off rant and blame Bill Gates for
| > everything.
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > | --
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > | "Peter Acton" wrote:
| > |
| > | > How can VBA code which executes in under one second in Excel 2003
| > into a
| > | > marathon 62 seconds in Excel 2007?
| > | >
| > | > ----------------
| > | > This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to
| > | > suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click
| > "I
| > | > Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button,
| > this
| > | > link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader
| > then
| > | > click "I Agree" in the message pane.
| > | >
| > | >
| >
| >
| >
| >