Excel 2007 ListObject question



I have a data table in xl2007 that is a ListObject. What I would like
to be able to do is know which ListRow has been selected. In other
words, if I manually select a cell in a ListObject is there a way to
programatically know which ListRow that is? Banging my head for a bit
trying to noodle it out, any help will be greatly appreciated.


Jim Rech

Maybe you want something like this:

Sub a()
Dim MyList As ListObject
Dim RowNum As Long
Set MyList = ActiveCell.ListObject
RowNum = ActiveCell.Row - MyList.HeaderRowRange.Row
MsgBox RowNum
End Sub

|I have a data table in xl2007 that is a ListObject. What I would like
| to be able to do is know which ListRow has been selected. In other
| words, if I manually select a cell in a ListObject is there a way to
| programatically know which ListRow that is? Banging my head for a bit
| trying to noodle it out, any help will be greatly appreciated.
| Thanks!

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