Excel 2007 not saving user-created range names



We recently had Office 2007 installed here (running on XP) and are
experiencing problems with named ranges in Excel. Excel is in some instances
not saving user-created named ranges.

In a typical case, I will define the range, save the file, close the
file and reopen, and the name will not be there. ("I put that name in
yesterday. Where did it go?") The work-around is to use a different name
and that seems to work so far.

My names contain no special characters (all alpha), and Excel gives no
warning about invalid name, or the fact that it will delete that name (? upon
closing the file).

This is creating a huge problem for us since I use numerous vlookups in
downstream files that reference named ranges.

The files were created in a previous version (2003) and I had no problem
whatsoever in that version. When we got 2007, I saved them in the
Macro-enabled format since some of these files have macros. I wonder if that
is the source of the problem -- should I be saving them to the default format?

I've done a cursory search in Google and this discussion group, and have
been unable to find anything on this particular problem with Excel 2007. Has
anyone had this problem, and/or know the solution? Thanks.

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